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"It's over, Oremis," Asero began, standing in the center of the gods. His voice echoed across the beach. "Go back to Rudea and take your demons with you."

Oremis hissed. "You have not won yet." Then, he turned to Maddox, who was struggling to stand. "My young prince, bring me the boy so that I may finish this."

From next to me, Ember yelled up at him. "No! You can't have him."

Oremis flexed his fingers. "You think you are brave, Ember Valarious, but you are really just an ignorant, stupid girl." He leaned forward. "I will have your brother. You cannot stop me."

"Maybe not," Ember replied, "but I can stop him."

She grabbed Maddox's shoulders and turned him to face her. Ragan and I rushed forward as her eyes turned a hazy grey-green color. Maddox's jaw slumped and his eyes glazed over. When he slumped to the ground unconscious, I understood what she did. She manipulated his mind. Tanmos. I stopped in my tracks. Ragan sighed in relief that Ember hadn't killed him.

Ember's eyes faded back to their normal green as she glared up at Oremis. His bony fingers curled into fists. "How dare y–"

The Demon King was cut off when Asero blasted him with a blaze of white fire. Oremis screamed as the fire hit his stomach. It kept shooting out of his hands in a bright flurry of light. Oremis crumpled to the ground when Porias, Goddess of the Waters sent the ocean hurling towards him. Instead of the fire burning out from the water like I expected, it burned brighter. The water pushed Oremis into the sand.

Basalia, Goddess of the Earth, joined in next. Grains of sand began slithering up Oremis's fallen figure, pulling him deeper into the ground. The fire burned even brighter.

One by one, each god and goddess joined in. The bright light was fueled by their power and grew each time. Oremis screamed in anguish. His demons backed away, some still clutching frightened Guard members.

Valasia was the last to exert power on Oremis. I watched as she unfolded her hands. Everything suddenly magnified. Sand rushed over Oremis's hooded face, drowning out his screams. The ocean's waves crashed into him hard. Lightning struck his giant figure and wind spun violently around him. Vines wrapped tightly around his arms and legs and pulled him down until the sand covered him.

Then, the light from Asero's fire fanned out around the beach, blinding us all. I squinted and watched as the light grew even brighter. It grew in size and brightness until my vision was filled with white.

A loud boom filled my ears, and then the light faded to the spot Oremis had been in. My ears began ringing from the sudden noise, but my sight had returned.

The gods stood across the beach facing where Oremis's army had been just seconds ago. Now, there were only a few Guard members left. Even the deceased that had been in the sand were gone. The soldiers looked dazed and scared as they looked for the missing army around them.

My breath was stuck in my throat. Oremis, the demons, and the majority of the Guard were gone, blasted from the world. Ash floated through the air around the remaining soldiers, and I noted that Hunter was not among them. They were gone. The power of the gods had disintegrated them. There was no sign of Oremis. The beach was dead silent.

Valasia turned to face us. "Thank you for your bravery," she said while looking over each and every rebel remaining. "Oremis has been banished back to Rudea. The bonds have been broken. His hold on this world has come to an end."

Around us, the rebels cheered and hollered at the feeling of victory. I looked at Ember. She smiled at me, eyes glittering. I smiled back and engulfed her in a hug. Her curls were damp against my cheek. "We did it," I whispered into her hair.

She hugged me tighter. "This is not what I pictured when we joined the rebellion."

I chuckled and released her. There was dried blood smeared across her face, and I wiped it off with my sleeve. "Sometimes life works in mysterious ways."

The remaining Guard members were stumbling over to us with arms lifted in surrender. The gods looked down on them. "You have been spared by our mercy," Asero thundered. "It would serve you well to remember that."

The soldiers kneeled and bowed their heads, muttering their thanks. The King of the Gods turned to us. "The war has ended. Auchterton has been freed from the darkness."

Again, the rebels celebrated. They hugged and cheered. I laced my fingers with Ember's. She squeezed my hand. Next to us, Adara hugged Rhea, whose eyes widened in surprise. Calix found Giovanni in the crowd. They practically jumped into each other's arms. Colonel Peros was smiling from ear to ear. The general embraced his close friend and compatriot.

It was over. The madness. The death. All over. We could live in peace now.

I looked at Maddox. Ragan cradled his limp figure in her arms, the only one not celebrating. General Hatis would have killed Maddox if she hadn't intervened. She sat in the sand, brushing her brother's hair from his eyes. Maddox looked peaceful in his sleep.

Valasia stepped forward and kneeled in front of him. She placed a hand on his shoulder. Some of the white haze around her flowed into his skin. The color returned to his face and mouth. He sputtered and coughed, eyes fluttering open. The general leaned forward curiously.

"Maddox," Valasia said quietly. All around, the rebels had gone silent. "Have you come home?"

His eyes glittered as he stared up at her glowing figure. Her bright blonde hair was almost blinding. "Mother?" he whispered, dazed.

She cupped his cheek. "It's alright, my child. You are safe now."

He relaxed at her touch. She stood, smiled at us, and walked back to the other gods. Valasia took Asero's hand in hers. One by one, the gods linked hands. When all thirteen of them had a hand to hold, the white haze around them glowed brightly. I closed my eyes as it grew. Another loud boom filled my ears. I opened my eyes, and they were gone.

"What now?" someone in the crowd called.

I didn't think it was meant as a joke, but everyone around me began to laugh. Even General Hatis cracked a smile. Despite the smell of burnt flesh and sweat mixed with saltwater, the mood on the beach was light and merry.

Ember grabbed my arm with her free hand. "What are we supposed to do with all the bodies?" she whispered, leaning into me.

I covered her hand with mine. "The general will take care of it. They will have a proper ceremony."

She nodded and rested against me. I knew her mind was on Bear. He had sacrificed himself for her, for the war. He wasn't the only one. Everyone who had died throughout the rebellion contributed to this victory. They were the reason we were still alive.

Suddenly, Ember let go of me. "Tyler," she blurted.

I looked around. He was nowhere in sight. "Do you think he's still at the plane?"

She walked around, searching.

The general's voice rang out over others. "I need all personnel from House Zian to report to me. We need a way off this island."

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