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Diana's room was at the end of the hall next to the general's. I found it peculiar that they didn't share one. Perhaps their bond wasn't as strong as General Hatis let on. The inside of the room was much more glamorous than anything inside the base. For one, it was much larger than all the other rooms. The bed was in the center of the room, and it was adorned with red decorative pillows and a red and gold comforter. Decorative rugs hung on the concrete walls along with paintings of landscapes. There was a matching set of furniture including a dresser, a freestanding mirror, and a loveseat that was poised in the corner of the room. Diana sat in it, dark hair curled to perfection and wearing a light blue wrap dress, while we spread out along the bed and carpeted floor. Bear stood outside the door to watch for the general.    

"I still can't believe Silas kept you from me," Diana stated after Ragan filled her in on this week's events, running a hand over her silky dress. Her face held a myriad of emotions. "All this time, I wondered why you had not come to visit me. Silas has not let me leave this room since I arrived here."    

Ragan scowled, perched on the arm of the loveseat her mother sat in. "His behavior confuses me. Mother, he never respected you when we lived in Khosas. You know that. So why does he now treat you as if he's always been a loving husband? Not that it's a bad thing, but I don't believe it is sincere."    

Diana smoothed her daughter's hair. Ragan's shoulders seemed to relax at her touch. "People have the ability to change, love. Perhaps your father regrets his past actions and is looking for redemption."    

"He won't find it here." Ragan shook her head. "I'll never forgive him. He took everything away from me."    

Diana's frown formed lines around her mouth. "Darling, we are together again. Your father is changing for the better, and we will get Maddox back. He is only lost."    

Ragan leaned against her. I felt out of place in this conversation, and I'm sure Ember and Wren felt the same. They sat on the bed looking at nothing. This was a private conversation between a mother and her daughter. I felt invasive.    

"You think he can be saved?" Ragan whispered against her mother's shoulder.    

Diana wrapped her arms around Ragan and closed her eyes. "Of course. He is my son. What kind of a mother would I be to give up hope for my child? We'll get him back."    

Ragan sat up and began pacing the floor, toes sinking into the carpet. "He won't stop unless he knows you're alive. You can convince him to step down from being lord. We can all go home."    

Her mother smiled sadly. "Love, I don't know that he will accept your father as I do. You don't, so how do I know he will? I'm not sure he will want to come home," she explained softly. "We can save him, but that doesn't mean he will accept us. Does that make sense, darling?"    

Ragan nodded, and after a few seconds of silence, asked a question. "Do you want to be with Father?" 

Diana pondered the question. "I am giving him a chance at redemption. I think you should too, dear. He has good intentions."    

Ragan looked up and found Ember. They held each other's gaze. It seemed they had found a new appreciation for each other. "Everyone deserves a second chance," Ragan whispered to herself. She sighed, "Alright, but if he tries to shove me in a box again, I'm out."    

Diana smiled, eyes crinkling, and laced her fingers together. The mood in the room seemed to lighten. I smiled as well, glad to see that Ragan was having a change at heart. She was transforming into a new person.    

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