Blood in the Alley Prologue

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"Scum of the earth!"

I tried my best not to scream, as hit after painful hit landed on my arms, legs, stomach, and face.

Papa caught me eating a slice of bread, and was appalled that I hadn't shared with the family. I knew Azelma was out, and Gavroche would be staying with one of the Amis. I didn't share my bread with Papa, Mama, and the Patron-Minette. Meaning Papa and the Patron-Minette would beat me until I was barely alive.

The cold stone of the road beneath me was sticky and wet from my blood. The wind howled, almost blocking out the verbal abuse being screamed at me. With each hit or kick, a little more air left my lungs and a little more fight left my body. This beating was worse than usual. I prayed for death. My body was growing colder and colder. I, Éponine Thénadier, was going to give up the fight.

Death sounded like the perfect escape. No more long nights of selling my body. No more pick pocketing on the streets. No more watching Zelma and Roche suffer. And, most of all, no more watching my angel, ma cherie, Marius Pontmercy, be oblivious to my undying love.

Now my love would die with me.

AN: So this is my first Enjonine story AND my first story on Wattpad! If anyone has any useful tips or advice I would really appreciate it! Thank you SO MUCH for reading! Xx

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