Chapter 15

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We walked hand in hand back to
Enjolras' house. I couldn't help but smile giddily. Besides the spat with Marius, it had been an amazing evening, and all we did was go to the cafe. My life was changing every minute, and mostly for the better.

"Shut up!" someone hissed far behind us.

I whipped around quickly, Enjolras following my lead.

"Who's there?" He called out when we didn't see anyone.

"Enjolras, I don't like this," I muttered quietly.

"I know. It's okay. We're going home, Éponine," Enjolras assured me as we started walking back towards the house.

He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side. We walked quickly, I kept my head down. I could feel someone's eyes on me. It felt like it took years to get home.

"Éponine, it's alright," Enjolras said when it was obvious I wasn't okay.

"Enjolras, it could have been Montparnasse!" I finally spoke the thought that was on both of our minds.

"I know, cherie. But no one is going to hurt you. No one will get through me."

I sighed, shaking my head.

"Enjolras, I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about you. Montparnasse is merciless. He'll stop at nothing."

"Don't you worry about anything, mom amour," Enjolras said, kissing me.

"And why shouldn't I?" I questioned, breaking the kiss.

"Because," he kissed me again. "I'll take care of everything."

I couldn't help but melt into him, kissing him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and wound my fingers into his golden curls. He grabbed my waist, pulling me close to him.

"Enjolras," I muttered, pulling away again. "Stop distracting me!"

"I can't help it," he smiled charmingly. Before I knew it, he was kissing me again.

I couldn't help but smile, kissing him back. Until we heard a knock at the door.

"Bad timing," Enjolras sighed, pulling away to go answer the door.

I focused on not blushing after the way Enjolras had acted. I'd never seen him that way before.

"Hello, Marius," I heard Enjolras say at the door.

What could he be doing here?

"Hello, Enjolras. I need to speak with you and Éponine, if you don't mind," Marius said, coming into the house.

"Of course," Enjolras said, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. The three of us walked into the living room.

"No Cosette?" I asked.

"No, she's home with her father. She did encourage me to come here, though."

"And why are you here? To make some more false accusations?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Ép, just listen to him," Enjolras mumbled in my ear.

"I'm here to apologize. For the way I spoke to you. I was out of line, Éponine. I'm really sorry. Enjolras is right. You two are my best friends," Marius said, looking at us and sighing.

"Does that mean you're happy for us?" Enjolras chuckled.

"Of course! You two do deserve each other. And it's nice for Gavroche to have some stability."

We all nodded, an awkward silence falling over the room.

"I'm going to go make some tea," I suggested, heading to the kitchen.

Enjolras POV

"Enjolras, there's something else," Marius said to me after Éponine was gone.

"What is it, Marius?"

"Cosette and I are getting married. And I know that of course, I want you to be the best man. But Cosette wants Éponine to be the maid of honor."

I froze. I knew Éponine wouldn't be happy.

"And?" I asked.

"We both know she won't be crazy about the idea. Even if her and Cosette get along. Éponine is still Éponine," Marius sighed.

"What do you mean by that?" I defended.

"She's a bit of a grudge holder. Cosette told me about their childhood. And Éponine is one of my best friends. Cosette and I both want her there," Marius shrugged.

I could feel my face heating up out of anger.

"Are you asking me to talk to Éponine? So you don't have to?"

Marius shrugged again, standing up. As he walked towards the door, he looked at me.

"She listens to you, Enjolras."

This would be hard.

"Where's he gone? I made enough tea for three," Éponine said, carrying the tea on a tray.

"Thank you, mon amour," I said, taking the tray and kissing her cheek. I put the tray on the coffee table, before taking both of her hands and sitting down.

"Ép, we need to talk."

She gave me a puzzled look, sitting down beside me.

"Okay. What is it?"

"Marius asked me to talk to you. Cosette and Marius are getting married. Cosette wants you to be the maid of honor," I told her quickly, trying to get it over with.

Éponine gasped, her eyes narrowing.

"That's why she tried to be my friend! She just needs a maid of honor because she has no friends! I feel so stupid!"

Éponine stomped off, leaving me and the tea sitting in the living room.

A/N: Sorry that it's not the most exciting or long chapter! I just can't believe that I have over 1k reads! You are genuinely the most amazing people ever! I'd like to thank everyone but especially thatsh3rlockgirl, -jasmini-, eimeartveit, Pretty_Odd17, enjoninefeels, PonineT16, ChaoticSentiments, SammyJaneBarks, and everyone that votes, comments, and reads! You all mean so much to me! I'm most likely going to be starting another Enjonine story soon, so be on the lookout! Thanks again! Xx

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