Chapter 19

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Enjolras POV

The three boys and I walked along in the dark night. I was quiet, frustrated that my friends still had not rallied like I has hoped.

"What's wrong, Enjolras?" Gavroche asked, looking up at me.

"Ah, nothing," I shrugged, not wanting to weight them down with my burdens.

There was something on my mind, and I only hoped I could talk to Gavroche later.

"Monsieur," a voice choked out. I immediately grabbed the three boys, pushing them behind me before facing the alley that the voice came from.

"Who's there?" I called.

"A lonely gamin girl," a tiny, frail voice answered as a thin girl walked into the light.

"Azelma," I recognized immediately. Her eyes widened, before her face twisted into a look of disgust.

"Hello, Monsieur. How's my sister?" She spat.

"She's got broken ribs from your father's crazy stalking Montparnasse!"

"Montparnasse only came after her because she needs to come home," Azelma argued.

"Azelma, don't say that!" Gavroche spoke up. Her eyes turned to the boys.

"And now you've got my brothers?!" Azelma laughed like she couldn't believe it. In a second, she reached for the boys, but I shielded them.

"Don't you dare touch them," I growled.

"They're my brothers! I'm taking them, and we're going to find Éponine and go home!"

"Azelma, no!"

Adam stepped out from behind me, a look of determination on his face.

"Adam, wait," I said, reaching for him.

"Gavroche, Theodore, and I have a new home. Our new Mama and Papa take good care of us!"

Azelma and I both froze.

"Mama and Papa?" she hissed at me.

"Azelma, change your ways and you're welcome to stay with us. We can make room for you. But not while you're still loyal to the Thénardiers and the Patron-Minette," I told her, watching as she shrunk back into the alley, glaring lividly at me.
"Let's go home."

We walked along quickly and silently. I couldn't believe it. Mama and Papa? I mean, I always thought it might come to this but never so quickly. I just wanted to get home to Éponine and talk all this out.

"Hi, love," I smiled when I walked into mine and Éponine's bedroom. Marius and Joly had beaten me there and were waiting to take Musichetta and Cosette home.

"Hi, Enj," Éponine smiled. I love that smile. "How was the meeting?"

"It was fine," I lied. "How was your night? Did you give Cosette and Musichetta any trouble?"

"Are you joking? It was so good to see her!" Cosette smiled.

The girls all said their goodbyes before leaving with Joly and Marius.

"Gavroche?" I asked quietly.


"Could you do me a favor? Could you please put your brothers to bed and then wait for me in the living room? I've got something I need to talk to you about," I whispered to him. He looked up at me with a mis cheviot glint in his eye before he nodded and ran off.

"What was that about?" Éponine asked me curiously.

"Nothing, love. Just asked him to put Theodore and Adam to bed so I could talk to you," I said as I lied beside her in our bed.

"What would you like to talk about? How crazy I'm going lying in this stupid bed all day," she laughed.

I laughed with her, before taking her hands and looking at her seriously. She could sense my change in moods and frowned.

"Ép, on the way home...we ran into Azelma. Her and I argued. Adam told her that his new mama and papa take better care of him. He meant us," I told her quickly.

I watched her eyes widen, before she put on her signature mask of unreadable expression.

"I mean, I know we're all they've got, but I never really thought of you and I as parents," she said quietly.

"I know. But I was thinking, maybe we oughta make permanent arrangements for all of you to movie in officially. I can buy another bed or two so the boys don't have to share. Sure, my house is a little small, but we can make it work until I can afford a bigger place," I quickly told her.

She laughed quietly, shaking her head.

"You're talking about four street urchins, Enjolras. This place is more than we would have ever expected," she smiled at me.

"I just want the best for all of you. I love you, Éponine," I told her, leaning over to kiss her.

She wrapped an arm around me, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I'm so comfy. Just stay with me forever," she sighed.

"How about as soon as I talk to Gavroche, I'll be back in?" I laughed, kissing her head.

"Why do you have to go talk to Gav?" she whined, holding onto me.

"It's a surprise, but I'll be back in a few minutes."

I slipped out of the bed, ignoring my pouting girlfriend. I hurried to the living room and saw Gavroche sitting on the couch.

"Gavroche, I have big news," I smiled, sitting next to him.

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