Chapter 13

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"Éponine, I'm not sure I want to do this," Enjolras sighed.

"You have to! It's the only way I'll be able to stay with you without the Patron-Minette hunting to kill us!"

"What if I mess up the plan?"

I laughed loudly at him.

"Enjolras, you're Apollo! I've heard the men talk, I know your power among them. You convince men to join your fight and stand up for injustice. Your words are your power. I believe in you, cherie," I smiled at him. I was happy when he smiled back to me and nodded.

"Are you sure it will work?"

"The most I can do is hope. Remember: I'm a whore, and you want to buy me. Be rude and commanding. Don't let anyone get close to you. They can rob you in the blink of an eye," I instructed as we approached the inn.

As we neared the door, he hesitantly put a hand on my shoulder. I sighed and grabbed his hand, placing it firmly on my bicep.

"Be rough and rude and demanding," I chastised, knowing he would have a hard time with this.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and nodded. After a moment, he put a stoic look on his face and grabbed my arm. He marched us right up to the door and entered the inn without hesitation.

"Thénardier!" Enjolras called out, disturbing some of the guests of the inn.

"Who are you? Why have you got her?" My papa said drunkly, walking up to Enjolras and I. I quickly handed my papa 51 francs from the night before.

"How did you make this much, girl?"

"From me. I've taken quite a liking to her. I even fed and clothed the girl," Enjolras spoke up.

"Why would you bother with that? Go upstairs and start scrubbing the floors, girl. I'll deal with Monsieur," my papa slurred.

Enjolras held my arm, pulling me into him.

"Monsieur Thénardier, I want to keep the girl," Enjolras said. "I'm willing to pay what you want for her."

I feigned shock, looking from Enjolras to Papa.

"Why do you want her? I've got a younger,prettier one upstairs. Less mouthy, too."

"Thénardier, I demand to buy your whore daughter off of you!" Enjolras snapped. Both my father and I looked at Enjolras. He had pure fury in his eyes and his jaw was set in stone.

"Alright, monsieur. You seem pretty anxious to take her. 1000 francs?"


I saw my father's eyes light up, holding out his hand. Enjolras fished in his pocket for a sack of coins.

"Take it. Come on," Enjolras tugged me out the door.

"Don't stop pulling me until we're completely out of sight," I muttered, knowing my father would be watching.

"Ép?" a voice cried behind me. She must have been listening in the inn and followed us outside.

"Azelma," I said quietly as I turned around.

"What's happening? Where are you going?" She cried, running up to me.

"I have to go, Azelma. Monsieur has paid father already," I played dumb.

I felt bad but Azelma was loyal to the Patron-Minette. She would tell them.

She glared at me, and then at Enjolras.

"How dare you? You're a monster, bourgeois boy!" She stomped on Enjolras' foot and walked off.

"Well, it was nice meeting your sister," he sighed, stretching his foot a bit.

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