Chapter 20

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Éponine POV, two weeks later

"I love this pink," Cosette smiled, holding up a piece of fabric.

"I don't know. This red would look lovely on Éponine," Musichetta added.

"But there's also the lavender!"

"And what about the emerald?"

I learned very quickly that wedding planning was not my forte. We were in a dress store, trying to find dress colors for the bridal party. Musichetta and Cosette were much more interested than I was.

"Oh, this whole wedding is so difficult!" Cosette bursted, plopping down onto a chair. "I never released that planning a wedding could be so difficult! I don't even know what Marius wants! He just won't decide!"

As Musichetta went to comfort her, I couldn't help the flow of words that came suddenly.

"If you think planning a wedding is hard, how do you think you're going to be married? It's all about decision making and compromise, and it's gonna be more pressing matters than the color of the bridal party dresses," I informed her.

Both girls looked at me, and Musichetta shook her head.

"You're not helping, Ép," she sighed.

"Sorry. I didn't mean it like that, Cosette. I just want you to be sure that you're ready for all of this."

"It's just that a wedding is so stressful! I don't even know if I'm ready to get married! I'm only eighteen. Marius is only twenty-two. I know plenty of people our age are married, but Marius and I haven't been together very long," Cosette cried, holding her head in her hands.

"Cosette, you and Marius are in love. You can't deny that," I attempted to comfort her.

"I'm not," she took a shaky breath. "But I am postponing the wedding."

Musichetta and I both gasped.

"Are you sure?" Musichetta asked.

"I'm very sure."

We all sat in silence for a minute, ignoring the bustling about going on in the dress store we were shopping at.

"How are you going to tell Marius?" I asked quietly.

"I'm not sure yet. I guess I'll just need to tell him I need more time."

After we finished up and said our goodbyes, I started the walk home. I couldn't help but think about Marius and Cosette. They were so in love, yet they would still put off their wedding because they had to have the 'perfect day.' It was ridiculous.

"Éponine!" Enjolras smiled when I walked into the door of our home. He stood up, kissing me quickly.

"Hello," I said softly, forcing a smile.

"How was dress shopping?"

"Well, it was..."

I sighed, before looking at him sadly.

"Cosette decided to postpone the wedding," I told him.

"What?" Enjolras asked, his eyes widening.

"Yeah. She's so stressed out and just feels like they haven't been together lone enough. I must agree with her though. They haven't known each other very long, and this wedding business takes so much work."

He looked nervous, shifting uncomfortably.

"Oh? That's unfortunate. I just remembered that I left a book at Joly's house. I'll be home soon, love."

He kissed my cheek, before rushing out the door. I didn't know what his problem was.


"Gavroche, you'll make sure your brothers are good for Courfeyrac, right?" I asked him a few days later.

It was May 31st. Enjolras has written his parents right after asking me to accompany him, and now they were expecting me as well. They would be coming to pick us up that afternoon.

"Of course, Ép! We get to stay with Courfeyrac for two whole weeks!" Gavroche grinned, packing his things.

I felt bad leaving them for two weeks, but Courfeyrac didn't mind watching them, and I knew that Enjolras was actually very excited for his parents to meet me.

I, on the other hand, was not. I had worked on my manners with Cosette and Musichetta, but I couldn't help the nagging feeling that they were not up to par.

"Ma cherie, my mama and papa will be here in 15 minutes," Enjolras said to me, walking into the boys' room.

"Lovely," I forced out. I took a few deep breaths, plastering a friendly smile on my face.

"Éponine, don't be nervous. They'll adore you," he chuckled, sensing my uneasiness.

"How do you know?" I asked, helping Gavroche put some clothes into a trunk that he would share with Adam and Theodore.

"Because I adore you!"

"Mama! Papa!" Adam called, rushing into the room with Theodore close by.

They hadn't stopped calling us that, and we soon got used to it.

"Do you have to go?" Theodore whined.

Enjolras scooped up the twins and smiled.

"It'll only be two weeks! We'll be home before you even have time to miss us," he smiled at the boys.

A knock sounded at the door and I went to go answer it.

"Good day, Éponine," Courfeyrac smiled, kissing my cheek politely.

"Come on in. We just finished packing. Thank you so much for keeping them, Courfeyrac."

"It's really no trouble at all," he smiled.

"Courfeyrac!" All three boys yelled, barreling into the living room.

Enjolras carried out their trunk, placing it by the door.

I hugged and kissed all three if my brothers, warning them to be good, and telling them we'd be home soon. They all jumped on Enjolras, and Gavroche ordered him to take care of me. After all the goodbyes were said, Gavroche helped Courfeyrac carry the trunk, while the twins trailed behind.

"I can see their carriage down the road," Enjolras smiled, after waiting by the window for a few minutes.

"Ready to meet my family?" He asked excitedly.

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