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Enjolras's POV
This Éponine girl was surely something different. She's found broken and bleeding in an alley, won't let anyone near her home, and still insists that nothing is wrong. Very likely.

But still, here I was, walking to Courfeyrac's home to find the young Thénadier boy. Once Joly and Marius had described the gamin boy, I knew exactly who they were speaking of. I knew he stayed with Courfeyrac very often, so I headed there. Marius had promised Éponine to find him, but I didn't want to be left alone with her any longer. She confused me, which was not normal.

I walked briskly, nearly running, until I arrived at Courfeyrac's home. I knocked on the door, rather impatiently.

"Enjolras! To what do I owe this pleasure?" He smiled when he opened the door.

"Courfeyrac, my friend, I don't mean to be rude, but I have no time to talk. I need to find your young friend, Gavroche." I spat out quickly, still trying to catch my breath.

"Gavroche? He's here. Why do you need him?" Courfeyrac asked, opening the door wider for me to enter. I entered quickly, looking around for the young blonde boy.

"His sister is at my home and wants to see him."

"Éponine? At your house?" Gavroche asked, coming from the small kitchen.

"Yes, Gavroche. She's staying with me for the time being. She asked me to fetch you."

The boy turned to look at me, the confusion contorting his young face.
"Monsieur Enjolras, I mean no disrespect, but why would Ép be with you? And why can't she come find me herself?"

I struggled for words, not sure if Éponine would want me to tell him.

"Enjolras? Are you okay?" Courfeyrac asked me. I made up my mind, and looked at Gavroche, trying to soften my eyes and voice.

"I found your sister in an alleyway two nights ago after she was badly beaten. My friends in medical school took care of her, and now she's staying with me until she gets better."

Gavroche looked at me, his eyes wide. I felt so bad for the young boy, until his eyes narrowed and he flung himself at me, hitting and kicking.

"What have you done to Éponine?! What have you done to her?!"

"Gav! Stop! He's trying to help!" Courfeyrac yelled as he pulled Gavroche off of me.

The kid wasn't weak and had gotten a hit or two at stomach, but I would be alright.

"Gavroche, I only found her. She's yet to tell us how it happened. She wants to see you and Azelma very badly. But I'm to take you straight to my home."

Gavroche had barely been released by Courfeyrac when he was running out the door, towards Enjolras's house.

Éponine's POV

"I'm sure they'll be around any moment, 'Ponine." Marius told me as he sat beside the bed. I was so happy he was beside me, but I also needed to know Gavroche and Azelma were okay.

Just then, I heard the front door fly open and the little voice of Gavroche.


"I'm in here, Gav," I called to him.
In seconds, he was in my room, and shoving by Marius.

A few seconds later, Enjolras and Courfeyrac were in the doorway, trying to catch their breath.

I looked at Gavroche, smiling.
"Did you run the whole way here? You should've known these old men wouldn't be able to keep up."

"Hey...we can," Courfeyrac said in between breaths.

Me, Gavroche, and Marius just laughed at them.

"So, Ép, what's happened?" Gavroche asked me, and all the boys turned to look at me.

"Monsieurs...would you please be so kind to give my brother and I a moment?"

The three men looked at each other before nodding and quietly exiting.

"I found bread. I didn't share know who," I told him quietly, sure that at least one of the men would be waiting outside the door. Nosy Enjolras.

"Éponine, you have to run away," Gavroche hissed. I could hear two men talking in the living room. Only two.

"And leave Azelma? Besides, you know they'll find me."

"Azelma is never there anyway. I see her at the market, always happy and with friends or men."

"They'll find me."

"They haven't found you here."

"And when I go home, they'll beat me and send me to the docks." I told him calmly.

"THEN DON'T GO HOME TO OUR DUMB PARENTS AND THAT STUPID GANG AND DON'T GO TO THE DOCKS AND MARRY ONE THE LES AMIS!" Gavroche exploded, his words a mix between angry and desperate.

The whole house was silent.

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