Chapter 3

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I walk ahead to school and go to the table me and my friends sit at and sit down, I take out my book and read since no one is there yet. I soon get interrupted by my friend Katrina rushing up to me.

"Hey! Your here early again!" She shouts as she reaches the table. "What's up?"

"Yesterday that guy kinda saved me from being harassed by some girls so I decided to give him a chance. A kind of test run thing." I tell her nervously, her eyes grow wide and she looks beyond shocked.

"Well I didn't expect that." She says with surprise evident in her voice. "Are you sure he didn't set that up to get you to say yes to him?"

"I'm sure. Those girls always harass me but he did say he knew about it..."

"Just be careful Krystal. You said yesterday he creeps you out so there must be something about this guy that makes you feel like that. Trust your instincts." Katrina says in a firm tone. I look at her and nod my head in agreement just as the bell rings. "I'll see you at lunch. Bye."


School goes about as normal and soon it was after school. I start my walk home and stop by Heidi's house as usual to hang out and talk, she's outside waiting for me and when she sees me she rushes me.

"Sooo... did you think about it?!" She asks eagerly and gets in my face.

"Yes and I saw him this morning and already told him I'll give it a chance." I tell her then prepare myself to hear her squeal excitedly which she does. "Owww." I whine as I cover my ears.

"Sorry! I'm just so excited! I know you guys will make a great couple. He's been talking about you and how much he likes you for months now!"

"He has?" I ask in shock and she nods her head yes. "I had no idea..."

"He kept it a secret except from me, he said he just felt like you didn't like him and he shouldn't pursue you. But lately he said he can't take his mind off of you and he just wants you to be his." She explains with a smile on her face.

In my mind I'm thinking about how creepy that sounds but I decide to push the negative thought out of my head and give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Well we're together now. I just hope he's someone I can grow to love, I still don't quite feel comfortable with him but I'm hoping that changes over time." I tell her seriously then sigh heavily.

"I'm sure he'll grow on you Krystal. He's shown me he really loves and cares about you. He hasn't even looked at other girls since he developed a crush on you." She tells me sincerely as she looks me in the eyes.

"Really?" I ask her, she nods and smiles. "Well at least I know he will be devoted..."

"I know he will and if he isn't I'll make him pay." Heidi smiles making me smile as well.


I stay and talk with her for a few hours before I go home since the sun is starting to set. I walk cautiously past those girls houses and practically sprint around the corner to get away. They weren't outside and I don't want to risk them seeing me alone. I slowly walk home once I'm clear from that area, I hate going home because it's so boring.

"Where've you been?!" My grandma shouts as I walk up to the front door.

"With Heidi as always grandma, you know that." I tell her with a sour tone as I squeeze past her.

"I really wish you wouldn't leave me alone for so long with these bastards trying to kill me!" She shouts and glares out the front door.

"I'm not having this discussion yet again grandma. I'm going to do my homework." I grumble with annoyance and head to my room.

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