Chapter 4

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I'm on my way to school the morning after I broke up with Mike only to see him walking towards me. I stare at him and see he has a pained and sad expression on his face, I take a deep breath and decide to talk to him. Hopefully Heidi talked some sense into him but even if she did I won't take him back.

"Hey..." I greet him as I approach him.

"Hey, look I'm sorry about what happened. Heidi gave me a earful about it yesterday. I really didn't think me being gone would affect you guys so much." He says sadly and hangs his head.

"Really? We care about you Mike so of course we would worry about you! Especially me considering we just barely got together. I really wanted to give you a chance and get to know you but you hurt me by willingly leaving and staying gone for so long without even trying to contact anyone. I'm sorry but I won't take you back." I tell him in a sad and hurt tone and walk past him.

"Krystal wait..." he starts and gently grabs my wrist "Please give me another chance. I've wanted nothing more than to be with you and show you how much I care and how much I love you." He says softly and sincerely.

"If that was true then you wouldn't of willingly left and stayed away from me, not to mention you didn't tell anyone anything about where you were going. That's being cold hearted Mike, especially to me. You say you love me but you sure as hell don't show it." I tell him angrily as I snatch my arm away and keep walking.

He doesn't follow me and doesn't say a word, when I look back he's just standing there with his head lowered. I groan and shake my head as I keep walking ahead to school, I just hope time will heal my wounds and I can try to be happy after all this.

I get to school and sit at the table again and soon Katrina shows up. She sees my expression and looks like she's extremely mad about it.

"Ok. What happened?" She asks firmly and drops her stuff on the table then sits down and looks at me with concern and frustration. "I know something bad happened so spill it."

"I broke up with Mike." I tell her sadly and painfully, she looks at me with wide eyes and shock evident on her face. "He finally came back and admitted he left and stayed gone on purpose. He said he just went to be with some friends."

"What a asshole. You don't need him Krystal so don't worry. I know you'll find someone ten times better that won't leave you hanging like that. Want me to beat him up for you?"

"No that won't be necessary. I just can't believe he did that..." I trail off as the bell rings. "See you at lunch."

"Ok. Cya."

I go about my classes and go to lunch, I have fun playing card games and talking and forget my troubles until classes start again. When school is finally out I make my way home only to see Mike is talking to Heidi again and they both look to be in a deep conversation. I take a deep breath and walk up to them, they stop and look at me with dead serious expressions on their faces.

"Krystal, we've been talking and...I think you should give him another chance." Heidi says seriously and sincerely.

"Heidi you know why I won't. Just think about it, he already hurt me badly once. I can't handle the pain and heartache, even if he didn't intend to hurt me he still did. Just think about the pain he'd cause if we were in a deep relationship and he did that again. He was being inconsiderate and plus you heard what his family said; he does that a lot. I don't want to be in a relationship with someone like that." I tell them with sadness and sincerity and lower my head.

"I really didn't mean to hurt you Krystal and I really didn't mean to fuck up our relationship." Mike says in a sad and frustrated tone.

"But you did, it's common sense Mike. You begged me for a chance and I gave you one only for you to willingly leave?! That's cruel and frankly very stupid." I tell him bluntly making them both look at me in shock.

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