Chapter 5

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A few days have passed and it is now Saturday. I haven't seen or heard from Mike since the day he kissed me, it's a relief but it's also a bit unsettling. I don't know if he's ok or anything and I haven't checked on him so I feel kinda bad. Heidi said not to worry about it and just give him some time to think about everything and relax so that's what I'm doing.

I'm just sitting in my room bored when my grandma calls me.

"Krystal! I want you to go water the backyard!" My grandma shouts loudly.

"Why grandma? It's just dirt and concrete." I reply in a whiny voice.

"Because I want the dirt wet so I can see those bastards footprints for when the come to spray!" She shouts back.

"Grandma no one comes to spray and plus you said they spray the front yard." I reply and roll my eyes.

"They spray everywhere! They want me dead!"

"Whatever grandma. Everyone knows no one is trying to kill you." I groan and close my door to get dressed, once I'm changed I head to the front door. "Keys." I groan at her, she takes out the keys and hands them to me.

I go unlock the numerous gates we have in the backyard and grab the water hose and turn it on. I go all the way to the side of the house where the bedrooms are and freeze because I see footprints. My heart starts pounding and then drops to the ground. I shakily follow the footprints and see that they lead to my window, I'm now scared beyond words.

I rush back to the house and slow down once I get to the front door. I squeeze inside and grab the house phone and call my best friend and basically my brother Jason. His mom and I are best friends and she sees me as the daughter she never had. I dial the number and she answers.

"Hello Krystal." Roberta says happily.

"Hey, is Jason around?"

"Yeah he's in his room why?"

"Can I talk to him please?"

"Sure hold on." She says nicely but it's obvious she's curious why I'd call and ask for him. I hear her put the phone down and go get him, he soon comes and answers the phone.

"Hi Krissy boo." He teases making me giggle although I don't want to.

"Hey, Jason can you come over please? I want to talk to you about something." I tell him as seriously as I can.

"Sure. Let me slip some shoes on and I'll be over."

"Ok. See you soon." I reply and hang up. I head to the front door and squeeze past my grandma and head to the front gate to unlock it. Once it's unlocked I wait and soon see Jason come walking up. "Hey, thanks for coming." I tell him quietly as I open the gate.

"Of course I'd come, what's going on?" He asks with concern and hugs me, I stiffen at the hug and he sighs sadly. "Still not used to being hugged I see."

"I'm not used to any kind of affection honestly. But that's not important I need you to come with me but act like you just came by to talk. Please. I'll explain soon." I tell him pleadingly, he nods and we walk up to the door. "Grandma Jason came by to chat so he's going to talk to me while I water and keep me company."

"Whatever. As long as you do it. I know he's gay so he won't do anything to you." She says through the door. We head to the back and I stop him right before the dirt area.

"Jason. You heard grandma wants me to water back here and you know about her paranoia of people spraying."

"Yeah. I honestly think she's crazy."

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