Chapter 7

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Mike left, I'm ok now. He's gone, but he's not gone for good. He'll be back for me yet again, what do I do? I ask myself as I shakily walk home. I pass by Heidi's house and she rushes me when she sees me just passing by.

"Krystal what's wrong?!" She shouts and stops me from walking. "What happened?!"

"Mike. He's scaring me." I tell her weakly as she looks me all over.

"I think you're over reacting and just blaming him." She says seriously making me look at her in shock with wide eyes. "You might have your grandma's paranoia Krystal. You want to make him as the bad guy but he's not. I can't see him as anything you've described."

"You don't believe me?" I ask in disbelief with a low soft voice.

"I don't know what to think honestly." She sighs.

I just leave, I can't look at her. My best friend thinks I'm making things up just so I can make him the bad guy because I don't like him. I walk home quickly and angrily and pass by those girls, they say something to me and I glare at them which made them gasp and stop talking. I get home and just walk into my room and think things over. I don't know what to do. I'm pacing in my room when I suddenly get a idea.

I dig through my drawers and soon find what I'm looking for. Something Heidi gave me but I never wore because I had no self confidence, she gave it to me not long before the situation with Mike. A set of two silky business style sleeping shirts and a red thong because as she said I "need to live a little and try new things"

Mike wants a show? I'll give him one and I'll run to Heidi's house after school to avoid him. I'll stick to her and he will have to say something that will make her believe me. Then she will owe me a HUGE apology.

I wait until after I've eaten dinner and the sun has set and decide to take a shower. I turn on music and have fun dancing and then singing in the shower, when I get out I dry my hair then dry off and wrap a towel around me as I go into my room. My room has a bathroom connected to it so I can just walk directly into my room.

"Time for the show." I whisper to myself and let go of the towel allowing it to fall to the floor and leaving me naked.

I take my time and get dressed slowly. I pull on the thong slowly and then the shirt and button it up, I look in the mirror and smile at how I look. For once I think I actually look good, sexy even and it surprises me. I never thought I'd take any pride in myself and I actually do right now.

"I actually look good." I say out loud and admire myself more in the mirror.

Right now I've completely forgotten about Mike and I'm admiring myself in the mirror for the first time ever. Im overweight but it doesn't look that bad. I'm thick and curvy and see nothing wrong with myself right now. For the first time in my life I'm happy with myself.

I smile and happily climb into bed and cuddle up with my teddy bear, I adore the way the night shirt feels and how the sheets feel against my skin. I usually have to wear pajamas that completely cover me but tonight I'm being a rebel and sleeping in a thong and a night shirt. I can't help but smile at my boldness as I fall asleep.


I wake up the next day feeling cold, I look down and see that my chest is fully exposed and my shirt buttons are undone. I gasp and quickly cover myself and get up. I decide to just go ahead and get dressed and get everything ready for the day. I rush and soon find myself out the door earlier than usual so I practically run to school and hide. Memories of last night flood my brain as reality hits me about what I did.

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