Chapter 6

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I wake up the next morning to my grandma yelling. "Krystal! Get up and go check the backyard for footprints!" She shouts. I groan and open my eyes and glare at the old woman that's standing in my doorway.

"Ugh! Fine. I'll get dressed and go look." I grumble loudly then throw the covers off of me.

"Good and I expect you to tell me the truth about what you see." She says firmly and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

"Paranoid old lady is all you are." I grumble under my breath and get out of bed, I get dressed and head to the front door. "Keys." I groan and hold out my hand, she gives me the keys and I head outside.

I head to the side gate first and unlock it, I swing the gate open and walk through while looking around. I notice some mud drops here and there but brush it off as animals because we do get raccoons and possums as well as lots of cats in the area. Then I head to the other gate and start to unlock it when I notice a muddy footprint on the mat in front of the gate.

My jaw and heart drop to the floor at the thought that someone was in the backyard again. I start to tremble as I think that Mike was here or really that anyone was here and they were peeking in on me again.

I take deep breaths and open the gate and step down onto the rug, I look around and notice footprints and I feel my heart drop again in fear. I take a deep breath and shakily follow them and see that they do lead up to my window and they hopped over the back wall to get into the yard.

"Who is doing this?" I whisper out loud as I stare in disbelief at the tracks.

I should call Jason but then my grandma might get suspicious and what do I tell her?!

I know. I'll cover up the tracks with my own and mess them up so no one can tell anything and if she asks I'll say I didn't see anything. Yeah!

I shuffle my feet in the still moist dirt and mess everything up so no one can tell anything. I then head back up to the front door and prepare myself to lie the best I can.

"Well?" My grandma asks in a sour and raspy voice

"I didn't see anything as expected. I checked everywhere and saw nothing." I tell her as seriously as I can, she just glares at me as I walk in the house. I can tell she's examining me for any signs I'm lying. "Grandma seriously there was nothing. You're paranoid."

"Whatever. Go." She waves me off and I gladly go in my room and enjoy the rest of my day.


Monday afternoon, school has let out and I'm on my way home. I had just crossed the street when I see Mike at the corner, he sees me and smiles as I approach.

"Hey Krystal, how you been?" He asks nicely and walks beside me as I continue down the street.

"Fine Mike. Yourself?" I ask as politely as I can because I feel uneasy with him.

"Oh I've been amazing. I've been going out every night lately and catching the most amazing show with a beautiful girl." He says happily and with a big smile on his face.

"Sounds like you're happy." I reply with a small smile.

"Oh I am. And I get to see her every single night."

"Who is she?" I ask curiously.

"Oh just someone I know. She's amazing and I absolutely love her."

"Well as long as you're happy..."

"Oh I am." He says with a big grin. "She puts on the most amazing shows for me at night and she gets me so worked up." He says in a low voice that has lust just dripping from it.

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