chapter 8 - Corrin

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I was just getting out the shower when I heard them. So many helicopters, there was no way it was just someone flying over. Then I felt them, all of them. Someone was on my mountain, shifters. There was a lot of them too and they were coming fast.
I ran to my bed looking for some clothes to throw on, all I ended up with is my blue tight V-neck t-shirt and some old dark jeans with holes in the knees. As soon as I had clothes on I ran for the front door, they were getting closer. As I threw the front door open Sara was running at me. She had a worried yet strong and confident look to her.

"Corrin upstairs now! No questions, go!"

I looked over her shoulder to Zero staring at us and I knew that whatever was coming wasn’t to be underestimated. I looked back at Sara, even with a bunch of questions in my head I knew better, I nodded to her and ran back inside and back up to my room with Sara following close behind. When we got up there I had noticed Sara had grabbed her gun and was now slamming the door shut and locking it. I was so confused, not scared or upset, just confused.

"Corrin listen to me, you are now old enough to understand and control your wolf, and this is why Zero has come back. Zero needs your help because she can no longer do this on her own, even if she’s as strong as she used to be."

"Then I need to go help her! I need to get outside! I need-"

I started toward the door but was stopped by Sara when she stepped in front of the door.

"Corrin no, you aren’t ready for this yet and Zero will be fine. You need to listen carefully, you understand?"

I was highly upset that she wouldn’t let me go out and help. It hurt knowing that Zero could be killed and ripped away from me, just like last time. I had to stay strong though, not for me but for her.

"I understand."

"Good, now here is what we will do. I need you to transform into your wolf. If anyone manages to make it past Zero and up here then I need you to fight your way through and run. Don’t worry about me just run and get off this mountain-'

"Wait! No! I can’t leave this mountain, it’s all I know! I don’t know the area beyond here!"

"Calm down Corrin, you will be fine."

I looked at the ground unsure of what to do or say. So much was happening, I never knew something like this awaited me. I wanted to crawl in a ball and forget this was happening!
Sara walked up to me and hugged me and patted my head, I could feel her heart beat. Even in all this mess she was still cool and collected. I had always trusted her and never was given one reason not to. I had to do this, even if it meant losing everything I once knew.

"Corrin, you will run far from this place, Zero will find you as soon as you’re clear from the fight. Do you understand me?"

Her voice was changing, it was starting to sound weak and uncertain. I have never heard Sara like this before. I took a step back and looked at her, it appeared she had been trying to keep herself from crying. I pulled her to me and squeezed her tight. I didn’t want pain to come to the few I loved, and surely not the woman who raised me.

"Sara, I will do as you say. I will promise you this though, I will come back to you. I will fight and I will survive just please wait."

"I have always looked at you as my own son, good luck Corrin."

I let go of her and turned and looked out the window, there was a very big shifter standing in front of Zero and I could see other shifters emerging from the woods very slowly. All of a sudden, the big sifter by Zero shifted into a huge white tiger, never have I seen something so fierce before. I turned and looked at Sara and she already knew what was in my head.

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