chapter 18 - Corrin

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Getting out the city felt like no time at all, and I couldn't have been happier when I did. I managed to find a country road heading in the area I needed to go. As soon as I was clear away from the city and past the small towns I shifted and started running at a faster pace, it felt good to be out of my human form. I had been running for what felt like days but it had only been a day or so. I almost wished that they would have picked me up and flown off with me.

I could see the mountains Two talked about in the distance but they were still far off. When I happened to pass by small towns I was careful to cover my tracks and find out anything I could about the location of the labs, of course I couldn't find anything out though. I had been traveling for a while and I felt like I had better take a short rest, there was no point in getting there to fight and then be tired.

The mountains were still far off but the land was still very hilly. Under the moonlight I managed to find a little cave I squeezed into to take a short rest. As soon as I laid down I was passed out, I didn't realize how much I had pushed my body. Alone I laid in that small cave, and I dreamed of being stuck in that cave forever and never being able to see Zero, Shelby or Sara again. When I woke up it was still dark, I figured I had only been out for an hour or so.

"Better get back on the road."

I slowly woke myself up, stood up and shuck my body a little bit. When I made my way out the cave I stretched out and looked around. A normal person wouldn't be able to see anything and even a normal wolf would have trouble seeing in an area like this but me, I loved it. It was quite, the woods and rocks around me were dense, the trees were too thick over head to see the sky. I felt a cool breeze run through my fur and it felt great but just as the breeze left I smelled something funny. I looked around and I listened but I didn't see or hear anything, so I went ahead and took off back to the direction of the labs. It felt great to feel the breeze against my face as I ran through the woods. I felt safe enough so I let my guard down and just ran, I was being loud yes but I was relaxing and trying to think about how I was going to get Zero and Shelby free.

Rule number one, Sara always told me to not forget it, never let your guard down when you're alone. Before I knew what was happening my body was thrown straight into a tree. When I hit the ground I gasped for air, looking up I saw a big brown bear running for me. I was able to jump to the side before the bear got to me and he ran into the tree. Before he could recover I jumped onto his back and bit down on the back of his neck, the bear didn't even flinch. He stood up on his back too legs and slammed his back into the tree scraping me off, when I got some distance between us he stood there staring at me, this wasn't a normal bear.

"Who are you?"

The bear fell back on all four feet and darted for me again, he may be strong but he was slow. I was able to jump out the way again but I ended up pinning myself in some rocks. The bear stood between me and freedom, the only way out was up. The bear just stood there, motionless and quite. I ran straight for him, I used all the power I could to jump over him, I was already a dead man if I got stuck in a tight area. When I jumped I was high over his head and I thought I was clear but I forgot about one thing, he could stand up and sure enough he stood right up and knocked me straight out the air onto the ground. Here I was getting my ass kicked by someone I didn't know, there was no way this was just a normal bear. I went to jump back up but he was already on top of me, pinning me to the ground. I was on my back and I stared clawing at his stomach and biting at his neck, yet again he didn't even flinch at me, I felt like I was fighting an emotionless robot. I tried to squeeze from under him but as soon as I did his big jaws came down and closed around my neck, I screamed out in pain, he wasn't trying to suffocate me he was just going to quickly snap my neck. I started doing everything possible to get out his grip. I was kicking with my back legs trying to distract him but nothing was working. I felt the pressure shift and I knew within seconds id be dead, without thinking I let out a growling bark. I wanted to fight back, there was nothing I could do though, then I felt it at the same time I heard it. My spine in my neck had started cracking, my body went limb, and he was enjoying killing me slowly. Now there was really no escape for me, I couldn't move my body. With my last breathes I wished that Zero and Shelby would be ok and be free again, somehow. Then I felt a release of pressure, when I opened my eyes the bear was off of me.

I heard deep growls from two different beasts. I couldn't turn myself over to see what was happening. I could hear different kinds of growls; pain and anger. I tried straining my body and trying to move but I heard another crack in my neck and everything went black.

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