Chapter 20 - Zero

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I was locked in Leo's room by myself, it was kind of nice for a cage. It was a big concrete cage outside, overhead I could see a balcony looking in and in the top of the cage were wires that I would guess were electrified. The ground was soft dirt, it felt great on my paws. There were two doors in the cage, an electrified iron barred gate to the outside and a simple little metal door that went into a small bedroom inside. I paced in the cage, it wasn't small at all, it was about the size of a football field and the small room only was big enough to have a bed and a table in it. I could look up and the top of the cage was open, I could feel little bits of breeze from the tall walls and the sun felt great against my fur. I had been in here for the night and haven't seen or heard from anyone, guess they were pretty confident this cage would hold me, and they were right. I searched for ways out in every way shape and form but couldn't come up with anything.

As the day went on I started getting really pissed, I was stuck here wasting time and I couldn't change it. I laid down and tried to get some rest and think of other ways to get loose, sooner or later they would have to move me, and they would use Leo to do it. I needed rest if I was going to take him on and then risk having other shifters around as well, but knowing Cain he was going to put me up against Leo sometime or another.

Before I could think about it anymore I heard someone walking around, when I looked up I saw Cain on the balcony looking down at me with that creepy smile on his face. I considered trying to jump up there but I doubted my ability to reach the ledge and knowing Cain there was probably something surrounding the platform to keep whatever was in the cage separated from him. I stood up and looked up at him not making a sound, waiting for anything. He had something in his hands, it looked like papers.

"Experiment number Zero, first success in hybrid DNA testing. Perfect record for every test, trained as day one as the perfect military weapon."

Cain paused reading and looked back down at me, what was he getting at? So, you're going to read my file to me? I stayed quiet and remained still, still looking up at him.

"No emotion and the perfect fighter is what your care givers wrote down for you, no reason to worry, and the perfect weapon."

He paused again and then looked back at the paper.

"Experiment number Zero, unknown location, lost in mission. That is what I had to write in your damn file so I wouldn't have the government trying to shut me down for having a weapon walking around loose. So Zero, was it worth it? Was leaving us and knowing all the pain you had to go through and the pain that would come, was it worth it."

He looked at me with an angry face, I could tell I had to watch what I did. The collar around my neck was like a fun toy for him and if I could avoid him shocking me I'd do it. I sat down and I nodded my head yes. I knew the pain coming would be even greater but it had to be done, this all had to be stopped. Even if we aren't completely human and even if we do or don't have a soul, we still feel pain and we still wish for freedom.

"If that's the way you truly feel Zero then I admire you for your courage."

All of a sudden, I heard big bolts turning and moving, the front door was being opened to the outside. When the door was completely opened something with thrown in and the door was immediately shut back. I starred at the shape as it began to move and stand up. I couldn't believe my eyes, the only reason I could recognize her was by her scent. Her fur had been shaved in places, I could see stitches running along her head and body, and she had a collar on. Her fur was stained with blood and tears. She was terrified and weak, tears were constantly pouring out her eyes. I ran straight over to her, when I got to Shelby her body was shaking and it was as if she was forcing herself to stay still. As her tears fell I looked into her eyes and they were solid black. She started to try and say something so I tried getting my head closer to hers.

"Kill me..."

I was thrown back by what I heard, I didn't know what to do. Before I could think of anything Shelby jumped at me and I quickly got out the way. When I looked back at her she was foaming from the mouth and started screaming in pain, shaking her head back and forth. I looked up at Cain and he was pleased with the sight. He looked back at me.

"My, my Zero. It looks like you may have a problem. You see with our new toy we can put an implant into the brain so everything I say they do. In this case this little rodent and you will have a fight to the death."

I started to bark and growl at him and I ran to try and jump up to the balcony but Shelby caught up to me and bit my tail. She wasn't able to kill me and Cain knew it he just wanted me to play into his game. Shelby still screamed out in pain while she tried to stop herself, I just kept jumping out her way, but I only had so much energy to keep up the dodging.

"Zero. please. kill. me."

I could feel how bad she wanted the pain to end I didn't want to do this much less play into Cain's game but I had to. When Shelby jumped at me again I held her down by standing on her with my front paws, she wiggled and screamed and fought to be free.

"Shelby I'm sorry I never wanted this to happen."

Her words were short and she was struggling to stay in control.

"Thank you."

She finally lost herself and started biting and scratching at my legs. I reached down and with a single tear rolling down my face, I put my jaws around her neck and bit down. Her body went instantly limp, she was gone.

I stayed like that as if time was frozen, I couldn't move. I didn't even hear the white coats walk in to retrieve Shelby's body, I wouldn't let them have her again. I finally moved and looked up but remained standing over Shelby. There were three white coats standing around me, unarmed. I growled as deep as I could a barred my teeth at them every time they took a step close to me id lunge at them. All of a sudden pain shot through my body and I started gagging for air. I looked up to see Cain with the remote to my collar in his hand. I stood right back up, strong and sturdy. The white coats went to go take Shelby's body from me again and I lunged right back and again met with pain and lack of air.

Again, and again they came and again and again they were met with growls and I was met with pain. It felt like years that this went on but it had to have been only thirty minutes. My body couldn't keep this up, I could barely stand anymore, my vision was fading in and out along with my hearing, I could taste blood coming out my nose and mouth. I wasn't going to give up though, she deserved better than this and I was going to give it to her.

Thewhite coats withdrew and as soon as I saw they were out I dropped to the groundand laid next to Shelby. Everything was silent and dark, my body hurt and Ididn't care. I laid there starring at Shelby, I just wish I could have told herI was sorry one more time.

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