chapter 10

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 "So, if you have heard stories of me then you should know what I'm wanting to do next correct?"

The sunrise had started coming up and the birds began to sing their morning songs. We were about to start on our journey to where ever this place was that Zero's love was held when she turned on Shelby.

"So Shelby, what happens next?"

"If I’m guessing correctly then...I’m about to die."

Shock hit me like a train. I didn’t understand why Zero was going to kill her, she was helping us wasn’t she?

"Good girl. I’m sorry but you know the reasons why I need to do this."

Shelby laid on the ground and closed her eyes while Zero watched. When Shelby had begun crying Zero jumped forward at her barring her teeth. Why was this happening? Why did she have to die? There’s no good enough reason to end someone’s life when they risk their life helping you! I shut my eyes and I felt a tear role down my cheek, why was I crying? I heard Shelby's cry of pain and Zero's growl. I couldn’t think anymore! I may not know much but I at least know this was wrong! I quickly opened my eyes and jumped at Zero. I wasn't even able to touch her, she jumped off the fox and landed about thirteen feet back. I stood between her and Shelby. I took a second to look behind me and see if she was still alive, she wasn’t breathing. I turned around to completely face her and started licking and nudging at her. This can’t be happening! Why can I never act fast enough? Why is it nothing goes as planned?
Shelby took a breath, her eyes split open and I saw her look up at me, she was alive. I felt a huge wave a relief go over me and I also felt the intense glare of a wolf I just highly upset.

"Corrin get out the way! Now!"

"Why should I? Give me one good reason why I should let you kill her! She risked everything to get to you and tell you something that obviously you have been wanting to hear for a long time!"

"We can't trust her Corrin! She knew what would happen when she came to me! Weather I listened or not to her information I was going to kill her. She has no proof that she wouldn’t betray me or even to show me she’s on my side or what she says is true!"

What she said was true but it didn’t make any of this more right. I turned and looked back at Shelby, it looked like she was trying to say something. I kept an eye on Zero but bent down closer to try and hear her weak words.

"Corrin its ok...I... I knew this would happen...I’m happy...I understand..."

She smiled up at me and with tears running down her small bloodied face she licked me and her eyes began to shut again.

"No! This isn’t right!"

I turned my whole body back around to face Zero. She was waiting for the perfect moment to jump passed me. I could see the anticipation in her eyes. I knew she was stronger, faster, and smarter than me but I didn’t care.

"If she knew she was going to die then why would she bother coming to spy anyway? Even these masters are smart enough to know this...aren’t they?"

The second I let my guard down to think about what I just said Zero shot past me going for the last strike on Shelby.


I turned my head with just enough time to grab Zero’s tail. I couldn’t do much put I pulled on her right before she could touch the fox. She yelped and turned around grabbing my neck and pinning me to the ground. I could tell she was holding back a lot with her bite. I felt a little drop of blood moving down my neck.

"Don’t you dare raise even one hair against me for everything I have given up to keep you alive?"

Her grip loosened and I didn’t dare try and turn on her, I knew she could have killed me at any moment but chose not to. Her grip tightened around my throat one last time before letting go, reminding me who was in charge. I stayed on the ground not moving, I was not ready yet to even think about challenging Zero. She walked over and stood right above Shelby. When she looked at me her eyes shined as though she was proud. Like how a father would look at his son for making a soccer goal in a game. I didn’t think too much on it because she lowered her head down close by Shelby's head. She looked at me and I could feel my eyes burning, with anger or tears I was unsure but she did. She brought her head up and looked me dead in my eyes like she was looking into my soul.

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