Chapter 25 - Zero

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"Sooner or later you will pay Cain!"

Again, I felt the shocking pain of my collar, it was too hard to breath and my rage was wanting to take over, I wanted him dead for everything he has done, but I laid there trying to hold back burning tears. I found myself at the mercy of a man I use to trust and follow. I could hear him laughing as if he was across the room but he was right here in front of me, shocking me over and over.

"Switch Zero, I want to see that beautiful killer I raised"

With the little breath I had I looked up at him trying to get myself off the ground, I felt so weak and so alone.

"Bite me"

Again, for my snare comment I was shocked again and again, I strained for a breath, I was beginning to drown in my own blood.

"Come on Zero, switch and I will let you have a free shot at me, I'll even give Leo the remote to your collar, let's have some fun my princess."

I managed to get myself up, I didn't want to play into his hand but it couldn't keep going like it is or I'd die. I started to shift and as I did I heard Cain's laughter and Leo had a worried expression as he watched me, I gave him a little smile before finishing my shift. Leo was just a kid, he didn't understand what was happening and I wish one day he could feel freedom.

When my shift was done I looked at Cain and as I did he tossed his remote to Leo. He had something up his sleeve but I couldn't tell what, this was my only chance though.

"Come now Zero, show me your hatred!"

With the last bit of energy and determination I had left I ran right straight at him with my teeth barred, yet he stood there still laughing with his arms held wide open. It wasn't until right before I hit him that I realized why he just stood there, my body just froze and as I did he kicked me straight against my ribs. Why, why couldn't I bite him?

"Now now zero, I didn't think you would really do it. You see, every one of my pets can't touch me"

He started laughing again and again as he walked over to my body just kicking while I was down. My body couldn't handle it anymore, I had no strength left. Someone please help.

Before I knew it, I heard a call I haven't heard in a long time, just like that dark rainy night I heard that call and the wings that flew over me. There was a difference though, I wasn't being picked up, and he was dropping someone. I had never been happier to see that brat in my life.

"She may not be able to hit you but I can!"

As Cain looked up it was too late for him to react, Corrin was right there about to hit him but Leo jumped in and grabbed him throwing him across the room. I could only watch as my little brother fought for his and many more lives. Corrin stood right back up and his eyes were filled with hatred and anger. I looked up to see One flying off, he knew he would make it worse.

My body was still in great pain and I couldn't move a muscle, Corrin was on his own.

"You foolish boy! You think you can fight me!"

I watched Corrin's eyes shift to me and then to Shelby's body, I watched as his eyes started to go blank, he was going to lose it.

"Ah, did you care for the little fox?"

"What the hell did you do!?"

I could hear Corrin's growl as he spoke, his voice was loud and deep. Cain looked at me and he had his amused look on his face.

"I didn't do anything my dear boy; your dear sister here is the one that killed her."

In the far distance I could hear alarms going off and animals running wild, One must have let everyone out their cages.

"I don't believe you, you liar!"

He was losing control, I tried to speak but my mouth wouldn't open. I couldn't let him go on like this, he will get himself killed.

Corrin started to shift leaving himself wide open, Cain used that chance to pull out a gun.

"Stupid boy, did Zero teach you nothing! What a shame, both of you would have made a great team for my collection."

He pointed the gun at me without breaking eye contact with Corrin. Corrin shift was coming to an end so I knew he could see what Cain was doing. As his finger pulled the trigger I closed my eyes... Three times I heard that gun go off, three times I flinched at the sound, and three times I did not feel pain. When I opened my eyes I found Leo standing in front of me, he fell to his knees not soon after. When Cain noticed I saw rage fill his eyes but before he could do anything Corrin was on top of him biting and ripping piece by piece. I could hear his streams for mercy but it started to fail out.

Leo now laid next to me, his werewolf form was so much bigger then my wolf form. He smiled at me as he coughed up some blood. His voice was rough and weak, but I was still able to make out what he was saying.

"I found something I'm happy dying for."

His eyes then closed, Cain's screams stopped, I looked over and Shelby's body was still there lifeless, Corrin covered in blood. Was all of this worth it? One flew down in his eagle form and shifted to human, I was safe. One walked over and picked Shelby up and Corrin ran to my side to grab me, I couldn't tell what they were saying and I could barely see. As they ran out the cage and for the forest I looked back to see shifters and humans fighting, did I do the right thing? Right before we hit the forest line I saw someone I hadn't seen in a long time, I caught a glimpse of Sara and I wondered if Corrin had seen her. I looked up and saw Corrin was completely covered in blood as his face remained emotionless. It felt like hours they ran with me and Shelby, when my body gave out and I blacked out.

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