chapter 14 - Corrin

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Just as I had reached the diner I heard a howl. It wasn’t very loud but it was Zero’s for sure, she was in trouble. People around me I must have startled because I howled back as loud as I could in my human form.
I took off running without a second thought, never have I willed my legs to run faster. There was no time to shift, I ran through the streets of the city in the direction from where I heard the howl. As I ran I heard the sound of helicopters in the far distance and I prayed that wasn’t where Zero was.
I picked up Zeros sent as I was running through the street, it was very faint and far, if I had to guess I’d say she was running under the street or on the roofs of buildings but I was able to get a direction from it. As I was running with the sent I saw some helicopters flying close by so I quickly hid so I wouldn’t be spotted, as soon as they were over I took off back towards the spot Zero’s scent was leading me. Finally, the sent came to an end bringing me to a sandy location. I could smell Zero for sure and not to long gone, but I also smelled lot of scents I didn’t know, including a scent that made the hairs on the back of my next poke up.

“What happened?”

Zero’s trail just ended, other than little bits of scent that seemed to be scattered around the area.

“Why would her scent be everywhere but just in little bits?”

The helicopter! They took her and flew off with her! I turned to run for the planes but I was unsure with the direction they went in. I fell to the ground as I looked up in the sky. What do I do, I’m all alone and I didn’t know where this place was? Why does this always happen? Why does it have to happen? Why can’t everyone just leave us alone?
That’s it, them leaving us alone! Number Two was still back in the city, at least for once I hoped he was. Maybe I could get him to lead me back to their base. I turned and started my run all the way back to where I had first begun. I won’t let them take my family away!
When I had gotten back to the building I left Two on top of, my body was at breaking point. I couldn’t handle much more and if Two wanted to fight then he would kill me easy, I have no choice though, there’s no other way I could find this place.
I slowly made my way up the ladder hoping he was still there and everything would go fine. When I had managed to make my way to the top Two was nowhere to be seen. I could smell all his blood around but I couldn’t see him. I walked around some and couldn’t tell which way he went, I could feel panic rising up in myself, what do I do now?
Before I could think too much I felt a heavy weight come down on me as I was put into a choke hold. I didn’t have to see him to smell all his blood dried on him. Two was awake and already almost at full strength again and I was no match for him. All of a sudden, he dropped me and I bent over gaging trying to get a breath in.

“The only reason I’m not going to kill you is because you managed to get that collar off me, but don’t think this means I like you. I will kill you the next time we meet again.”

Number Two started to leave and I had to force my words out since I had little to no air in my lunges.

“No- “

Two looked back at me with a questioning glair as if thinking I was wanting to fight then, so I tried speaking up again this time actually having some control over my voice. I first looked up at him then stood straight up again.

“Please help me, begging isn’t my style and I’m not very good at it but I need your help.”

Two looked amused and almost gave a little chuckle but his face turned angry again.

“I owed you for taking the collar off and with that dep’t I’m not killing you now. I owe you nothing kid, you and Zero are on your own,”

“That’s it, Zero has been taken by that guy that you stood with before we fought! I know you owe me nothing and I’m not asking for much just point me in the direction of where ever they are taking her!”

This time Two really started to laugh as he looked at me dead in the eyes.

“You really do have a death wish don’t you kid. Give up now, your sister and play toy are going to a place that no living soul on this planet would go.”

“I have to- “

“And why do you have to mutt?”

“Because their all I have and I’d give up my life fighting for theirs.”

Two looked taken back at first but he quickly turned away.

“Whatever kid if you really want to die- “
He pointed out across the city.

“Head straight north. Get out the city and it’s a pretty easy run, just have to deal with small towns till you hit some mountains. You’ll know when you are close.”

I smiled at Two and nodded.

“Thank you Two.”

I ran for the ladder and slid down it and started my run to Zero and Shelby. I wasn’t going to let them down again. I could just barely make out what Two said as I slide down the ladder.

“Stupid kid”

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