Capitulo 2

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"What is it?" and she saw her VP Dinah Jane Hansen.

"I had good news for us and for you especially."

"Tell me already."

And SC VP Dinah Jane Hansen sighed, "fine, the Executive said that this upcoming anniversary the CEO of JGC will be here to celebrate with us."

And Camila's beautiful smile showed off that her teeth and gums showed, "what? Really?"

"Told you it's good news, yes and they said that Chairman Normani's secretary Ms. Lucy confirmed it."

"Then what are we waiting for let's get ready and make this plan successful."

"You're right President, I'm already excited."

"Me either."

Every student in AH Academy are longing to see the CEO and it remained mysterious to them because this will be the very first time that JGC will join them this upcoming anniversary.

CAMILA was currently thinking of what theme that would fit for their Academy's anniversary, she need too to contribute a theme and flower garden will be the best place for her because of its flowers that give calm and peace of thinking. But then again she saw the raven-haired woman, and it was alone. Unexpectedly she felt calm upon seeing her but fade immediately when she saw her touching the flower and she knows that the raven-haired will pick the flower, so before the raven-haired took that flower she quickly stopped her, her blood is boiling in madness.

"Hey!" and she get her attention and she marched towards her, "why do you want to pick that innocent flower?" and she saw her scratching its back head, "is that for your woman and the flower of AH Academy is your source?"

"Why is it everytime you saw me, your eyebrows is like a bridge, what I have done?"

"Yes you're not guilty but what I'm concerned about is the flower."

"I didn't pick it," Lauren answered in defense.

"Yes you didn't because I already saw you."

And Lauren raise her both hands, "okay, I give up, but..," and she pick the flower, "since you already accusing me for what I haven't done, I will just do it," and she approached her and move closer her face to its face.

Camila widened her eyes when she smelled her husky breath.

"Are you and you boyfriend had a misunderstanding?"

"W-Why you're asking?" and now her heart is racing.

"Because you're so mean, if I were you lady break up with him and choose me instead of him."

And Camila got blush she didn't see it coming but she still keep her composure, "f-for your information I don't have a boyfriend and I'm not entertaining any suitors! Fuck off!" and she marched off leaving the green eyed beauty.

And Lauren got smiled and she followed her, she felt something towards the woman and she can't explain why.

And Camila notice it when the reven-haired tailing her so she walk fast as she can but it didn't leave her alone.

"I'm really courting you."

"Please don't play around because I'm not playing with you."

"I'm playing? No, I'm not, I'm serious when I said that."

"I didn't even know you and I know for sure you didn't know me and you will court me? Are you nuts?"

"Oh damn," and she topple her own forehead, "I forgot," and she quickly past through her and face her making the woman stop at her pace she then handed her hand with a smile on her lips, "Lauren Jauregui, my name."

"Fuck off," and she pass through her and leave her.

And Lauren smiled she was enjoying this then she continue to follow her and continue pissing her off. All of the students look at them and spread rumors.

AND Camila finally avoid her, so she immediately went to SCRoom.

"President," Dinah greeted when Camila entered and she saw her sighing, "problem?" and she saw the flower in its ear and she smiled.

"There is a stalker who always followed me," and she went to her table which located in the center of the room.

"Is that stalker are meant for you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"There, there is a flower tucked in your ear."

"A flower?" and she grope it in her ear and felt it, there is a flower tucked in her ear so she took it and she really saw a flower and stared at it.

VP Dinah smiled and left the room.

Camila remembered that Lauren really pick the flower, she didn't feel that Lauren managed to tuck it behind her ear, "is this the reason why the students keep talking about us?" and she shook her head, "this is the other one, Lauren Jauregui," she said with a gritted teeth, but deep in her heart she had this little feeling that she always feel whenever Lauren is around.

And Lauren continued pissing Camila off when the day goes by. And the school anniversary is coming near.

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