Capitulo 5

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CAMILA rub her palm to ease her nervous, she just received the news that the CEO and owner of JGC has arrived. She had a speech to welcome her and there's no room for her to be nervous, it had to be right, it would be a disgrace if it didn't. Then someone called her.


And Camila look back and there she saw Lauren and it was smiling on her. She felt at ease and she approached her to embrace her tight. She even felt her heat against her own skin and it made her calm down.

And Lauren got smiled and she did the same to Camila. After the conversation with Shawn last few days she decided to protect her especially now that Camila is going to be her wife soon.

"Don't be nervous okay?" 'damn I eating my own words.'

"No, I'm not," and she was shocked when she realize what she had done, she don't want Lauren to think something negative now that she need her on her side, "don't be assuming."

"Did I say something? I know that it's a friendly hug."

"Still..," and she sighed, "what are you doing here?"

"Did you forbid me to watch too? You have a speech I want to watch you."

"It's just a little thing."

"Its okay if it's a little but if you sum up those little things you will not realize how big are that now."

And she just sighed then she noticed her suit, "why are you wearing a business suit?"

"Nothing, does it fit me?"

"Your tie is crook," and she arrange it.

'I didn't notice it, I forgot Shawn hold my coat and it ruined my necktie, but I'm still glad that he did,' "I didn't notice it."

"There, it fits you."

"Thank you."

"Don't laugh at my speech, I warned you Lauren Jauregui."

"I promise and it's your speech, your freedom to express of what you think is right."

"Yeah, you're right, thanks."

"You're welcome, you're okay now?"

"Yes gracias."

And Lauren smiled then she took her hanky in her black slacks pocket and handed it to her, "here, hold this so you will not be nervous."

And Camila accepted it and she got smile. Lauren really appreciated her small doings, eventhough she saw how stubborn Lauren is but it make her smile. Lauren did change her and she doesn't want her to leave her.



"Pres. Camila it's time," the emcee of the program reminded the SCPresident.

"Okay," then she turned to Lauren, "go find somewhere to sit, look for the good spot if you really want to watch."

"I will, go now."

And Camila nod and then she go up to the stage..

"Sir Lauren?"

"I know Ms. Ally," and she wore the JGC's seal when Ally handed it to her.

And they join the Executives and the Chairman on the seats.

"PRES. Camila," and she handed the folder, "here's your speech it's already been approved by the Chairman and the secretary of the CEO of JGC already check it too, there's the little info about the CEO and of course the name of the CEO was also there."

And Camila accepted it, "thanks."

"You're welcome," and she left.

Camila did open the folder for her to review it but the program has already started and the emcee already called her for her welcome speech. On her way to the lectern, she searched for Lauren and she saw her sitting beside the Executives and the Chairman and it gave her a puzzle, thinking why she was sitting beside them and then she started her speech.

On the last paragraph of her speech where she leave blank because at that time she don't know the CEO's name, but now she knew, her puzzle was solved, 'why I didn't think of her surname?' "ladies and gentlemen, co-students, AH Academy's staff and visitors, let us all welcome, the CEO of Jauregui Group of Company—Ms. Lauren—Jauregui..," and she held still the hanky that Lauren gave her.

Everyone was puzzled and their faces were full of questions, even wondering how Lauren became a CEO of such big company. They couldn't believe of what they heard but still gave an around of applause when they heard them giving it.

And then Lauren stood after Camila finished that line and went to the stage. And Camila gave her a look and she also gave her a look that she will explain.

Camila know what Lauren meant, this is not the right time, nor the right place to explain everything so she just nod and pass through her for her to sit.

Then Lauren began her speech.

"Goodmorning my fellow students, staff and visitors, I, Lauren Jauregui, owner and CEO of Jauregui Group of Company known as JGC," and she look at to her secretary which is her guardian and she saw her smiling, so she crumpled the paper, "I will speak as a senior student of AH Academy, I know you wouldn't believe what you heard from Pres. Camila and you heard it right and clear, it's really hard to believe that I am the CEO of JGC, but I will not boastful about it, it's hard for me too to hide it because I know you will be distant to me and criticize me because in my current age I'm not deserving to be a CEO especially JGC is a big company but it's your opinion and I can't do nothing about it, now I will talk as a CEO of JGC, when my father is still alive, Mike Jauregui, he choses AH Academy as a sign of gratitude for accepting me here as a student, my parents spend their high school here but sad to say I didn't knew my mother well and also as a senior student of AH Academy I'm proud of it because I've given a chance to live as a normal student and this is the place where I met the important woman to me and JGC will sponsored the AH Academy until the end of time, my Board, my secretary and guardian Ms. Ally Brooke like it because it was well organized," and she look at to Camila "Pres. Camila thank you for your hard work," and she turn to the students, "AH Academy students, faculty, staff's, Executives and Chairman Normani Kordei thank you very much and as a sponsor and a CEO of JGC the school anniversary is now open, thank you," and she bow her head as a respect and left the stage.

And Lauren received an around of applause after her speech.

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