Capitulo 6

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LAUREN waited for the program to end and she know that Camila will stay. So after the program she waited for Camila and when she saw her she quickly grab her hand and pull her out of the gym. She doesn't care anymore if the students were looking at them confused.

"Oi Lauren."

"We're almost there."

And they stopped in the flower garden then she let go of her hand, and they look at each other. And Camila's eyes are full of questions don't know where to start that was Lauren sees.

"I'm sorry," Lauren started, "because I hide it, I just don't want you to feel weird around me, but Camz it's still me, the Lauren you knew."

"I know, what I didn't get is why you kept it as a secret, if you want me to accept you, you don't need to hide it from me, don't you trust me?"

"Of course I have and I'm willing to explain everything slowly, now I will start, before I met you, you were eager to perfect this opening ceremony, I will just make you worry if I did it from the start, you will push your limits to make that program perfect, I'm not numb for not feeling it, that you were all excited if you knew I'm the sponsor of AH Academy and I don't like it."


"I'm sorry..."

"Tell me the truth, are you fooling around and make fun of me?"

"No! Of course not, I loved you and that's the truth, I love you because you're not ordinary, unlike them, making all those ridiculous things for me to notice them since I'm a varsity, how can I knew the woman's character if they all showed me their good sides, tell me."

"Are you telling me that I'm rude?"

"Yes you are, that's why I fell in love with you, you showed me the real you."

"Lauren I've been hurt so many times and I don't want it to happen again."

"I know, that's what I see in your eyes when we first met that's why I'm forcing myself to know you even if you kept pushing me away, at first I didn't understand but I do now because you'd give me a chance to know you, I know you're giving up hope to find your true love but please give me a chance, have faith again, faith in me and let me love you in the way I knew."

"I don't know, I don't know," and her tears fell, she don't know what to do, her fear and aches is still residing in her heart but she don't want Lauren leaved her, she's all she's been asking, nandito na kasi ang hinahanap niya, she was afraid to take risk again fear of Lauren hurt her and she might not be able to survive again.

"Give me a chance, that's all I'm asking, I cannot promise you a perfect relationship but I'll try my best to be a better girlfriend" and she wipe those tears in Camila's eyes, "I will prove it to you that I'm worth to try and if you really don't want—then, I will accept it," she said in bitterness in the end, "but I will remain friends with you just like before, I will not force you because I will respect your decision because we're the same, I'm also looking for Ms. Right and I know that it is you, just let me prove myself to you that I'm worth of your love, I'll give you time to think I will not rush you," and she dried those tears, "hush now it's anniversary need to celebrate, this is your ideayou're your members so let's enjoy it, okay?"

And Camila just nod and Lauren embrace her and feel her heat.

THEN there's someone who watch them in rage with madness.

"CAMZ I just need to take this call, okay?" Lauren said when her phone vibrated.

"Sure and I'm going back to the Council also."

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