Capitulo 8

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THE score of each team is changing but Shawn's team never take a lead anymore against Lauren's team. 99-95 and when the time passes by Lauren's speed had increase, she was like dancing in the court.

And the last minute of the 4th quarter is coming. Both teams never called a time out they were on heat while watching the game. And it looks like Shawn had a chance to take the lead when his team made a double 3 points. 101-101 and 20 secs left.

"We will win," Shawn said to Lauren with confident when Lauren guarded him since he had the ball.

"Go for it, until we still have time it can be changed, we will not give up until the buzzer goes in," and she made a steal from him and never doubted to pass it to her teammate.

The passes are changing, in and out, in and out and 8 secs left. Lauren was ready to lay-up and in the corner of her eyes she saw Shawn was about to block her shot but she was quick enough for her reflexes to follow and immediately passed the ball to her teammates which is in the 3 point field area. Shawn's team was trying to block the 3 points shot but too late to block it because it was already release to shoot and 2 secs left. Lauren was smiling when she noticed the rotation of the ball and its deviation so she lifts her right hand forming a fist in the air. Audience screamed when the ball landed perfectly in the ring. 104-101. Lauren's team wins. And the confetti was raining on them.

Shawn couldn't accept his defeat and he go for Lauren to give her a punch but his own team stopped him.


"You already heard it from me of what's the meaning of arrogant, you played on your own Shawn, you've even forgot you have a team, have pity on yourself you are the team captain of the Boy's Division and you are showing what you truly are to your teammates."

"JAUREGUI!!" and he were trying to escape, eager to give Lauren a punch.

"I already told you from the beginning, I have my team."

And Siope followed, "you're a rookie Shawn, Lauren was the team captain of Girl's Division for whole 3 years and she's the reason why the other division had a back to back championship for AH Academy that's why Arcadia High Blaze, you will never understand it because you never really love basketball, you just entered the team because of the fame not the love for it and we're not like you."

And Shawn was drag out of the court by his team.


Some of Shawn's team did congratulate the rival team, they gladly accept their defeat and after it they left the court. Lauren's team was celebrating.

"Now I know why Blaze."

And Lauren saw Camila, "I told you I will show it to you and it's because of y—" and she stopped because Camila silenced her in a kiss straight to the lips.

And the winning team saw it and Dinah just smiled emmbracing Siope.

"Don't talk," Camila said and she embraced her after it.

"I didn't say a word."

"Congrats you've made it you've made the team win."

"No Camz, we've made it."

And they both smile.

AFTER the game and after talking to Ally about her schedule for tomorrow, she and Camila went to the flower garden. The deal was already set too and Ally will treat Lauren because she scored 53 poits in the game.

"How many years did Ms. Ally work for you?"

"Since I was a kid," she answered while drying her sweat.

"That was long."

"Yeah, that's why father chose her to be my guardian when the right time comes."

"I heard that your parents are in heaven, how did they die?"

"Mom was one of the passengers who died in a plane crash in Okinawa, our private plane that time was under maintenance and mom needed to be in Okinawa to check our branch there on time and father died in a cancer."

"How—old are you when that happened?"

"Mom died when I was 8 and father when I was 11."

"You're still young."

"Nope, father said I was big."

"Then who taught you about the company?"

"Father did when I was 6, after he died, Ms. Ally did continue teaching me, even until now, that's why I owe her a lot."

"Wow and when you become a CEO?"

"I was 13."

"You're kidding me."

"I don't."

"I can't believe it."

"That's the reason why I don't want to face the people everytime there's a ceremonial event because I know they will criticize me because of my age, you already saw their reaction earlier in the program remember?"

"Whew I'm speechless, is that the reason why you're so persistent?"

"Maybe, I was 15 when Ms. Ally let me do what I wanted to do, she told me I was still young and I must live my life like others do as a teenager, JGC was in good shape and left it for awhile and take classes."

"You're still worried about JGC."

"It's my parent's memory and there are so many employees who had families and I will not let them starve."

"You're the only person I knew who is young and know how to handle a big business and mind you JGC is a big company."

"I still remember when Ms. Ally tell our arrogant competitor that he was defeated by a kid, it was months ago when someone tried to bring JGC down, I still don't know you that time even your position as SCPresident and that's the reason why I left the team, I focus on my company and to my studies, it was last year when they knew that it was me a 17 yrs old junior who run the JGC and they want to reward me as Young Businessman in this generation but I didn't accept it."

"But why, it's your chance."

"It's too early for that and they will find a hole to take me down and take JGC, that's why every event I let Ms. Ally to attend so they will think that Ms. Ally is the CEO."

"Hmp you had a point," and she pulled Lauren down to the bench.

Once they were seated Camila took the towel from Lauren that was given by Ms. Ally to dry the sweat because she'll be the one who will dry the sweat from Lauren.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping you dried your sweat, just let me."

And Lauren let Camila do it.

And Camila was enjoying every second of it, "continue your story let me know more about you."

"Uhh yeah..," then she did.

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