Capitulo 3

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EVERYTIME the school anniversary is coming near, Lauren sometimes pissing Camila off unlike before almost every school day now that she's kinda busy in her company, her meeting is endless. She can't leave her company now that her employees are hopeful.

And Camila found herself searching for Lauren and she don't have any clue why she misses her.

'What is happening to me? Why I'm searching for that persistent small insect?' My mind is going to be crazy.'


Camila immediately look back when she hear those familiar voice and she saw her ex, the man she love most but that was before, Shawn Mendes, basketball team captain, Boys Division. And her face immediately dropped off.

"What?" she asked sarcastically.

"How are you?" and he approached her.

"I'm fine," she answered with thickness in her tone.

"I heard that the CEO of JGC will be here to celebrate with us, is it true?"

"Yes and why do you care?"

"I'm just worried about you, you will be busy and I know how dedicated you are when it comes to this especially our long time sponsor will be here, mind you, it's under your presidency."

Camila remembered this is the character that she likes about Shawn that's why she agreed to be his girlfriend but she already wake up on her nightmares that Shawn is just using her so that it increases his fame, "stop fooling around Shawn, what do you really want?"

"To be a SCPresident is really fit on you, okay I meant it, I'm still in love with you."

"Do you think I will believe you? You don't deserve a second chance."

"Okay my fault, but Camila I know it's hard for you after we broke up and I'm sorry for everything, just give me another chance, us."

"There are no us anymore so stop it already, whatever your plan is, stop it already, played with the others, who can play with you."

"But baby—" and his words cut off by someone.

"You heard her so stay away from her," and she approached them.

Camila felt at ease when she heard those alluring voice that she begin to like, "what are you doing?"

"Hmm I'm looking for you everywhere but I can't find you and I think of this place and voila you're here."

And that made Camila's heart smile, "you're so corny."


"Hey dumbass, can't you see that me and my girlfriend are talking?"

And Lauren scratch her head, "base on what I've heard earlier," and she copy Camila's voice while inching her distance from the guy, "there's no us anymore," and back to her original husky voice, "do I make myself clear? You understand that don't you?" and now they were inches away.

He then challenged her of staring, "I will not leave unless Camila makes me leave."

And Camila quickly followed, "go leave Shawn, end of discussion."


"There you go, the words you're waiting for," Lauren said.

"Shut up!" and he followed a punch.

And Camila let out a shriek when she saw Shawn throwing a punch for Lauren but then she just saw Shawn's fist in Lauren's hand.

Lauren's face now seemed serious, declaring a defense mechanism around her features, "it's a right decision fo not giving you a second chance because you can't do anything aside from raising your fists," and she let go of his hand, "you don't know how to respct women, gave a respect even a little especially your girlfriend is a SCPresident..."

"Ex," Camila corrected.


"Mind your own business!"

"It is my damn business, because you can easily hurt my lovely woman!" she defended in a harsh voice.

And Camila seemed shock upon hearing it from Lauren, for living for 17 yrs no one really dared of protecting her from the bad guys and hurt her but Lauren...

"So get your ass off out from sight before I drag you to your fucking place," she said in her thick voice.

And Shawn quickly pace off like he saw a fierce lion.

"We're not done yet Camila," he warned her then leave.

"No, you're both done don't be assuming!" Lauren followed then she approached Camila, "are you okay?"

Camila saw in those emerald eyes how worried it was, "y-yeah," 'why are you doing this to me Lauren?'

"I'm glad, he didn't hurt you right?"

"No, he didn't."

"Glad to hear that I know that arrogant man, he really feels that he owned all women."

"I know, he's my ex remember?"

"I see, don't comen near him okay? He will just hurt you."

"It will not happen."

"Okay, if you say so," and she showed her, her wide smile.

"What is it?"

"Your eyebrow is not meeting anymore, I like that."

"You really are corny, wait, why he didn't know you, you're an ex-basketball varsity right?"

And Lauren smiled, "so you did a little background investigation about me, it makes me happy."

"I'm a SCPresident remember?"

And Lauren sighed, "I forgot, okay, he's a rookie that's why he didn't knew, he just wanted to play basketball because of fame, the cheers of women, if he really loves that sport he will knew me."

"Really huh," and she left her but she wore her smile.

"Oi! Damn, did I say something wrong again?" and she followed her.

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