Capitulo 10

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LAUREN doesn't know what was really happened but she saw Camila struggling and crying against Shawn who is on top of her. Lauren felt rogue and she waste no second she pull Shawn away from Camila and used all of her strength to hit him as hard as she can. She never leaved him, one hit after another and a kick. Shawn did manage to escape even if he's struggling out of the SCRoom.

Lauren took her phone and call her bodyguard, "get Shawn and drag him, he was 5'6 in height, black suit, black curly hair and he had bruises and a blood on his lips."

"Yes Sir!"

After calling her bodyguard and get her orders she approached Camila.

Camila was not in herself and still crying, she was afraid.

"Camz..," then she embrace her and her tears fell.

"No, no, get away! Get away!"

"Camila stop it, it's me, hey m'lady it's me, it's me," and she embrace her tight, "it's me, it's me m'lady..."


"Yes it's me, it's Lauren, he's gone, my bodyguard drag him already," and she caress her hair getting it fine then she wipe her tears.

And Camila cried and buried her face in Lauren's neck after seeing those emerald eyes and raven-haired and Lauren embrace her tight afraid of letting her go.

And Dinah and Siope showed up in the door.

"What happened? I saw Shawn dragging by some men."

"It's my bodyguards."


"I don't know, but one thing I'm sure Shawn did try to harass Camila and force her something that she didn't want to do, she was really afraid, I can't leave her alone."

And Siope nod, "I know what you mean bro."

"We will report this to Chairman Normani and to the Executives," Dinah said immediately with a concern voice.

"I know where they are, come on, I'll explain it to you," Siope said to Dinah.

"Please do and thank you."

"Lauren please take care of Camila."

"I will, don't worry I will not hurt her."

And Dinah nod and they left.

Camila and Lauren were once again alone inside the SCRoom.

Lauren took the teddy bear and she gave it again to Camila. And she heard her sobs again and embraced the teddy tight and it began to explain.

"He forced me, I don't know that he's here," and she cried.

"Hey stop, I know because you're not that kind of woman, don't apologize."

"But Lauren..."

"I said stop," and she wipe those tears, "I understand."

"But Lauren I don't want you to think that I let you high hopes on me."

"Don't think about it, I'm not judging you, I will wait for you to tell me," and Camila move closer to her.

"No Lauren I don't want it, I don't want you to leave because I love you..."

Lauren was surprised when she heard it from Camila.

"—I do have a chance to escape earlier but I think if I made it clear to thim that we're over, that there's no us anymore, by then we can be free, that's the time he get mad."

"I know that you already put a period in it, but Camz his thoughts are already closed, he's stubborn as hell, ignorant, now that I heard from my team that they kick Shawn out of the team, he can't play basketball anymore because of his character but I promise you Camz he will not disrupt us again, I will make sure of it."

"Hm, I love you Lauren."

"I really wanted to hear it so long ago."

"I apologize if I take long."

"No and I'm willing to wait how long it takes."

"Okay and I know soon we will get married."

"Eh?" and she look at to Camila who is in her arms cradling her.

"I already knew."

"You agreed?"

"Yes Lauren."

And Lauren smiled, "you will not be hurt anymore."

"I know and I love you."

"I love you too," then she kiss her.

And they both smiled and Camila embrace Lauren tight don't want to let her go.

"I will tell you that the festive is not done yet, Ally promised me a fireworks display it's her treat, you like that want right."

"Yes I like it, can you carry me?"

"No problem my princess," and she stood and did carry her out of the SCRoom.

THEY both enjoyed the fireworks display like nothing's happen bad while their hands are entertwined and Camila was lying on Lauren's shoulder. And once again, Camila fell in love again and believe in true love to Lauren, she trusted her and Lauren trusted her too and she will never fail her. Lauren deserved all of this and her love.

AS an update of Shawn, he was brought to the jail for harassment. And sadly there's a possibility that he will not went back to AH Academy anymore because of what happened or any other academy in L.A. Probably he will spent a year in county jail.

_____THE END ______

A/N: Well thank you for your precious time reading this one. Even though it throw you off sometimes because of my grammar. Hope you enjoy! And I hope you still want to read of my upcoming stories. Bye and thank you.


Happy 9th Anniversary to us my love. Stay strong to the both of us.

Happy Anniversary too to FIFTH HARMONY

Camren Is Real pa rin mga hangal!!! Peace. Out!

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