Capitulo 9

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CAMILA slowly knew Lauren and her life was not that easy, Lauren was not enjoying its teenage life, her life evolved only in the business world and she will do her best to balance it both. They both learned that they have different similarities but they knew that they could talk about it. Lauren was a listener and a matured person.

After they talk they stroll around the academy, every section has a surprise event and Camila want to try it all and drag Lauren along with her for Lauren to enjoy, she knew that when the night comes Lauren will work up to 9pm. It needed a break. They both enjoy what they are doing.

"There," and she gave the teddy bear that Camila want, "don't lose it and take care of it."

"I promise that I will," and she embrace the teddy so tight while thinking of Lauren, "but I think there's something is missing on her," and she stare at the teddy.

"And what is it?"

And Camila roam her eyes around then she spotted it, "there," she pointed a booth and she pull Lauren while explaining it.

"Lettering..?" Lauren asked when she saw the signage.

"Yes," and she pointed the teddy's chest, "we will put it here."

"Ahh I see," she said when she understand what Camila meant, "bro how much?"

"Well Jauregui it's exclusive for lovers only but it's free."

"Damn..," she said bitterly while biting her lower lip, "uhm—"

"I'm Lauren's girlfriend," Camila cut off to tell the man student in a booth.

And the man raise his brow couldn't believe what he had heard.

"Don't be shocked but it's true," and she handed the teddy bear to him.

"O-kay," and he accepted it then he handed the blank piece of paper, "here, write it here the words o draw you want to place on the chest of the teddy."

And Camila wrote some and handed it back. The man student accepted it and handed it to his companion.

"Hey that's fraud," Lauren whispered to Camila.

"Just let it, it's free."

"Damn you, they build a rumor and spread it."

"Peace but let them and you must get used to it."

And Lauren just sighed, "what did you draw?"

"Just wait and see," she said with a smile.

After a few minutes the man who entertain them came back with their teddy bear, "here it is, it's done," and handed it, "congrats to the both of you."

"Thank you," Camila said respond with a smile and accepted it then she showed it to Lauren, "tada! It's cute isn't it?"

Lauren smiled when she read the lettering CAMREN FOREVER, "Camren?"

"It's Camila and Lauren it's our tandem name."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes and you already gave this teddy to me so there's nothing you can do whatever I want to do to the teddy bear you gave," and she embrace it.

"Okay, okay, come on now."

They were about to leave when someone interrupt.

"Pres. Camila."

And the two look back when they heard it.

"What is it?" Camila asked to the male student.

"Uhm V-VP Dinah k-called you d-there is a problem..."

And Lauren wrinkled her nose there's something isn't right about here.

"Really? Wait..," then she turn to Lauren, "can you hold Camren for me? I'll be back," and she handed it.

"Okay..," and she accepted it and carry the bear.

"Where is she?" then she followed the man.

"Student Council Room..," and they left.

Lauren can't ease her feeling and she knows that something wasn't right andshe was nervous. After a seconds of waiting for Camila she saw Dinah and Siope.

"VPDinah," Lauren called.

"Oh Lauren, what is it?"

"Where is Camila?"

"And why are you asking me that? You're with her."

And Lauren felt rage, "is there any problem?"

"Of course none and if there is I'll personally tell her and of course we will drag since you're a VIP."

And Lauren waste no second she immediately went to the Student Council Room she even managed to call her bodyguard who guard Shawn.

"Where is Shawn?"

"Sir he's on the 3rd floor."

And her fist is now clenching, SCRoom is in the 3rd floor, "wait for my call."

"Yes Sir!"

And Dinah was puzzled, "did you here that?"

"She's asking about Shawn," and he stopped, "I have a bad feeling about this, come on," and he pull his girlfriend Dinah. 

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