i miss you so far

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Gerard slowly made his way back towards the camp. his hand covering the obvious purple spot. He spotted Brendon near a tree and picked up his pace. When he finally made it to the tree it was very obvious that something was wrong.

"what happened?" Brendon said chuckling at Gerard's facial expression.

"i-" Gerard started. he couldn't think. his head clouded by the actions that had taken place not to long before. Brendon finally caught on that Gerard actually wasn't okay. his smile dropped.

"hey, maybe we should go inside," he said. Gerard kept his eyes focused on the distant trees. he gulped and nodded, never taking his hand off his neck. his grip so tight, his fingertips became white. Brendon led him to his cabin and sat him down on the bed.

"i-......i-" he couldn't seem to form a sentence.

"hey, hey, its okay. take your time," Brendon said reassuringly. Gerard looks at him.

"i think- i was sexually assaulted," he said. Brendon's eyes went wide.

"what do you mean? what happened? who was it?" Brendon was spewing out questions. Gerard closed his eyes.

"shhh!" Gerard exclaimed, covering Brendon's mouth. He looked at Brendon. "i don't know who he was.. Frank. that's what he said his name is. h-he said he's unwanted? i don't know. i tackled him to the floor but then he was on top and stuff happened and now- and now..." he sighed, "the worst part is, i- i didn't hate it..." Brendon slowly removed Gerard's hand from his mouth.

"can i see?" he asked warily. Gerard closes his eyes but nods. he takes his hand off the mark. the mark Frank made. suddenly a shock ran up Gerard's neck causing him to yelp.

"wh-" he looks at Brendon covering the spot again, "don't touch it!" he hissed, eyes wide. Brendon looks at him shocked and puts his hands up in surrender.

"sorry i didn't think it wou- sorry..." he said shakily. Gerard exhaled all the contents within his lungs.

"it's okay, sorry for uh, snapping." Gerard says, letting his arm down once again. Brendon continued to look at the mark. Gerard grew impatient but said nothing. he just sighed until Brendon was done staring down his hickey. Gerard found it weird to admit that he has a hickey. after all those years of high school with no sex life. ha look at him now. he chuckled to himself, looking insane no doubt. "Brendon?" Gerard asked

"hmm," he responded. wow so social. Gerard rolled his eyes.

"is it weird that i want to see him again?" Gerard asked. Brendon went and sat in front of his friend. he shrugged.

"i mean yea, he did give you a hickey without your consent," Brendon stated. Gerard didn't respond. he was lost in thought. "what are you thinking?" Brendon asked.

"that is invasion of privacy," Gerard says, smiling down at his friend who is now on the floor, hugging his knees. "but because you asked, i'll tell you, and i wont make a big deal out of it." Gerard says wiggling his eyebrows. they chuckled. "i've only met him once but i feel like i've known him forever. he just pulls me like a magnet i guess you could say. when i stopped him at the market and he turned around, my eyes locked with his beautiful hazel ones. they were full of such... mystery," Gerard explains, his friend nodding along. "when i saw him, something just clicked. i saw him and something inside me changed. i felt... at peace? yes. when i looked at him, i felt at peace. all the thoughts in my head all stopping at once to allow my eyes to clearly send the beautiful image in front of me to my brain to hide away for the rest of this miserable life i live," he continued, spacing out again to when he first saw Frank. "he's-... and i'm-... hopeless-... and i'll probably never see him again." he concluded looking back at his friend. Brendon nods, looking lost in thought.

"y'know, when i first met Ryan, i was in band class. it was junior year of high school. i was scanning the room and my eyes landed on him as his landed on me and our eyes locked and at that moment i knew, this boy would be the death of me," Brendon says smiling at the memory. "if you feel attached to Frank and you haven't even spoken to him yet," he says looking back at the black haired fool that would do anything in the name of love, "maybe try to find him again and talk to him. take it slow. maybe he'll begin to like you just like you like him," Brendon said. Gerard nodded. he needed to see this boy again. he would see this boy again but this time, he'll be in charge.

The End. ~Frerard~Where stories live. Discover now