nice job urie

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Gerard woke up first. he looked over to the small boy curled up next to him. his dark hair covering his eyes. he smiled softly and cuddled closer to him.

"good morning Frankie," he whispered in his ear. Frank shook his head.

"it can't be morning already," he groaned, leaning into Gerard.

"oh but it is." Gerard said sitting up.

"no" Frank whined and pulled the covers over his head.

"c'mon, get up," Gerard said pulling the covers off of Frank.

"GerAAARRD," Frank groaned even louder. "i don't wanna get up," he whined and put the pillow over his head.

Gerard got out of bed and crept over to Franks side. "fine, suit yourself," he said grabbing Franks ankle and pulling.

"Gerard nO" he screeched.

"Frank it's almost 7, Bert will be here any minute. we still need to go over the plan." he said letting go of Franks foot.

"fine." Frank sat up. "fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine." he sang as he marched around the room. "there i'm up. happy?" he asked. Gerard smiled.

"very. now put clothes on. i'm gonna go get Brendon and we'll be right back. if anyone knocks, lock yourself in the bathroom."

"PuT cLoThEs On iM gOnNa gO gET bReNdOn SO wE cAn diScuSs tHe pLaN" Frank muttered, putting pants on.

"it's your idea. we could leave you to die." Gerard said, putting a hoodie on.

"wE cOuLd LeAvE yOu tO diE" Frank said putting a different shirt on.

"hey Frank?" Gerard called from the door way. Frank looked up. "shut the fuck up" he said smiling and slammed the door shut.

"hEy fRaNk, sHuT tHe fUcK u- shut your bitchass up." he said fixing the bed. he put his pajamas in what he assumed to be a dirty clothes pile and sat on the bed. he looked around the room. "this place is so old. i'm gonna get tetanus from just breathing this air." he rubbed his eyes and laid back on the bed. 'what if they don't let me out. i escaped the camp so this should be a piece of cake....right?' he thought. he sat up and went to the window. before he could take in his surroundings, there came a knock at the door. "oh fuck" he whispered. he tiptoed over to the bathroom and quietly shut and locked the door.

"Frank it's us. get out." Gerard giggled, tapping on the bathroom door.

"fuck you. you scared me" Frank said stepping out.

"yea well hi, welcome to camp pretty boy," he said sitting in the bed. Brendon took his spot back at the wall and looked at Frank with hopeful eyes.

"you said i could see Ryan again." he blurted out.

"what?" he looked over at Brendon.

"you said i could see Ryan again. that there's a possibility."

"when did i say that?" Frank asked.

"yesterday, you asked me 'do you want to see Ryan again?' which implies that there is a possibility i can see him." Brendon said matter of factly. Frank thought.

"i suppose you can see him but it's risky. and if the plan doesn't work out, we could all be killed."

"well, what would the plan be?" Gerard asked.

"sneak you both out and into the sewers." Frank said nonchalantly, looking at Gerard. "it's risky and it's never been done before but that's the only way i can guarantee you seeing Ryan." he looked at Brendon. Brendon looked at Gerard.

"i'm doing it." Brendon said with light hesitation.

"Brendon you could be killed if it goes wrong!" Gerard tried to reason with him.

"we're gonna be killed anyway Gerard, do you really not see? we're in a worse position than the unwanteds. we are the unwanteds. that's why they sent us here. they don't care about us and they won't. i want to see my Ryan before i die so i'm going. whether you're in or out." Brendon stated.

Gerard glared at Brendon. he weighed his options. stay and have to go fight and die alone or leave, be free and be with his friends.

"Gerard, i love you but, i'm leaving either way." Frank said sadly, looking at Gerard.

"so you two are just gonna leave me here?" he asked.

"well no, you can come with. you can be free. you'd probably remember your past." Frank said sitting on the bed next to Gerard.

"i'll think about it," Gerard sighed.

"the plan." Brendon stated. "Bert comes to get Frank. he stays there for a bit yadda yadda. Gerard convinces Bert to let Frank stay with us for a bit. we continue our discussion of how we're gonna escape?" Brendon ran through the plan to make sure he had it correct. Frank nodded. "of course i'll be outside when Gerard goes to talk to Bert." Brendon nodded at Gerard who smiled softly.

Frank put his head on Gerards shoulder and put the other boys hand in his own. Gerard tensed up and could feel his throat begin to close up. Frank felt this and lifted his head up. he squeezed Gerards hand.

"what happened? are you okay?" he asked. Gerard looked down.

"yea, yea- it's just after the Bert incident, any unexpected touch makes my body crawl." he said quietly. Frank let go of Gerards hand.

"oh, sorry, i didn't know," he slid a bit further from Gerard. he looked at Frank and grabbed his hand.

"it's okay, just give me a heads up next time," he smiled. Frank nodded.


"hey uh, sorry to interrupt your sweet moment but, Bert's coming and he's got Wentz and Leith." Brendon informed them.

"Remington?" Frank asked.

"yea Remin- you know him?" Brendon asked turning his head to Frank.

"yea" he chuckled. "Emerson and i were friends back in grade school. Remington and Sebastian used to bother us nonstop." he said reminiscing.

"well let's hope he remembers you cuz he's one of the toughest guys here and if you tell him you guys were friends, not only is he not gonna believe you, he's gonna beat the shit out of you," Brendon said, letting go of the broken shades. they fell off the wall right after Brendon took his finger off.

"thanks Urie. now tell me, how am i supposed to fix that?" Gerard asked, motioning to the shades. Brendon picked the shades up and put them around his neck.

"look i'm Frank," he said screeching.

"Brendon what the fuck is wrong with you?" Frank asked. "i don't do that"

"woah princess, you aren't the only Frank i know." Brendon scoffed, taking the blinds off of him. he then very aggressively chucked them to the floor and screamed.

"Brendon what the fuck?" both Frank and Gerard asked in unison

*knock knock*

as you can see, shits about to go down.
so initially, i wanted there to be a smut scene or something but then i thought about it. i've never had sex. boring i know. the closest i've gotten to sex was reading smut on this  a p p. anyway. i decided that i'm not gonna be putting a smut scene in here bc i don't think it'll sound right. it'll be weird and awkward. i might. i doubt it. anyway. have a nice day!

The End. ~Frerard~Where stories live. Discover now