a really long backstory (Pt. 1)

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Frank looked up at Gerard.

"what do you mean?" he asked

"no Frank don't give me that bullshit! how do you know me? i didn't tell you my name but you knew! you said we were friends!" Frank winced at 'were'. he looked at Gerard with hurt in his eyes but Gerard only saw red. Frank sighed.

"is there anywhere" he hesitated, looking around, "private?" Gerards eyebrows shot up.

"private? you want private Frank?! oh shit sorry your majesty, i didn't realize that you needed to be in private to tell me something that i deserve to know!" Gerard yelled. some of the guys had heard the noise and had stood around their cabins, waiting to watch the scene unfold in front of them.

"Gerard will you take your head out off your ass for one fucking minute please?! god damn! you were the same as a kid, you haven't changed at all!" Frank spat. he grabbed Gerard's hand and made his way over to the trees not too far from Gerard's cabin.

once he found a nice clearing, he let go of Gerard and crossed his arms. Gerard looked him up and down with disgust and copied his position. Frank rolled his eyes and his arms dropped to his sides.

"jesus fucking christ Gerard, you haven't changed one bit," he got quieter  towards the end of the sentence.

Gerard's expression changed completely and his arms dropped to his sides too. "i'm sorry for yelling at you," he said looking at the floor. "you- i shouldn't have. it wasn't right... sorry" he mumbled and because Frank is a mushy whore when it came to Gerard, he softened immediately.

"hey, hey look at me," he said softly. Gerard did as he was told and looked at Frank. "i'm sorry for yelling at you. i shouldn't have. i know you're sensitive. i'm sorry." Gerard was sensitive. very sensitive. he wasn't right for the military. he was too soft. all the guys there had hearts of steel. nothing could get to them. Gerard on the other hand would cry at almost any tiny inconvenience. Gerard shrugged and Franks sighed. "you really want to know?" Frank asked him looking into his eyes. he nodded. "okay, well, take a seat i guess" Frank said sitting down. Gerard sat across from Frank and rested his head in his hands. Frank sharply inhaled and held his breath.

"well?" Gerard asked raising his eyebrows.

"i don't know where to start," Frank said looking at the floor.

"start with how you know me. how we met." Gerard said gently. Frank looked up at him unsure and Gerard smiled and nodded.

Frank closed his eyes and nodded. "okay." he opened his eyes and looked at Gerard. "do you remember anything before joining this shithole?" he asked.

"yea obviously" Gerard said.

"no Gerard, really think about it. do you remember your 10th birthday? how about your first pet? what about me?" he asked, the last part almost a whisper. Gerard closed his eyes and tried to remember.

"i-" he exhaled and looked at Frank, "no i-i dont. i don't remember how i even got here." he said playing with one of the dead leaves by his foot. Frank looked down and straightened out his-Gerards shirt.

"so that's where we'll start," he said looking at Gerard who was already watching him. "we met back when i was 5 and you were 8 when i first moved in to the house next to yours. your mom invited us in but she didn't tell you that we were coming over so you were still in your pjs. they were star wars if i remember correctly."

"how do you remember what pajamas i was wearing?" Gerard asked, chuckling slightly.

"because you were the best thing to happen to me. i remember every detail." he said looking at Gerard. Gee looked a little scared. "not in the creepy way!" he said shaking his head. "i just cared a lot about you and i couldn't forget anything about you." he said looking at the floor.

"why past tense? 'cared' 'were' what about now?" Gerard said grabbing Franks hand and Frank wanted to keep his hand there, to stay in that position forever and maybe even kiss but he couldn't. he pulled his hand away, not really looking at Gerard.

"i, uh... i don't know..." Frank said, voice shaking a little. "but that's not the point Gerard. i want to help you remember, then we could figure out what's happening with our relationship." he said with more confidence. Gerard only nodded and put in hand in his lap. "do you remember your mother?" Gerard nodded. "father?" he nodded. "Mikey?" Gerard paused before nodding. "okay what about Elena?" Gerard looked up at Frank.

"how do you know Elena?" Gerard asked. Frank shrugged.

"i know things, remember? i know her death fucked both you and Mikey up. i know you were affected the most. i know your father was never home and your mother tried her best but it just wasn't enough. i know that the only person you could really trust was Mikey and i know you two were very close." Gerard only shook his head.

"Frank.." he paused and thought about what he was going to say. "who are you?" Frank looked into Gerard's eyes.

"i am Frank Anthony Iero. i was born October 31st 1981. i moved to Belleville New Jersey when i was 5. i met a really cute boy and he ended up living next to me. i had a crush on that boy since i met him and when he left i was crushed but now that i've found him i don't plan on letting him go." Frank said blushing. Gerard began to blush too.

"well then, if all this is true," he said eyeing Frank, "why do i not remember you?"

"you want me to tell you?" Frank asked. Gerard nodded eagerly. "i hit you really hard on the head before you left." Frank said darkly.

"no Frank, really. what happened," Gerard said giggling. Frank sighed.

"you want to know. do you really want to know?"


"well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say."

The End. ~Frerard~Where stories live. Discover now