a filler bc i forgot where i was going with this

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"Frank you can't pull stuff like that! they'll kill you before the general gets back! do you not understand? your life is in jeopardy and you keep screwing with it. if Bert finds out, i'm fucked! you're fucked! we're all fucked!" Gerard exclaimed, pacing back and forth.

Brendon and Frank sat at the end of Gerards bed. "and Brendon, stop pissing Frank off. seriously. it's annoying. and i'm warning you. do it again and i'm not stopping Frank. you'll have to deal with it alone." Gerard said glaring at Brendon. the two idiots nodded their heads in unison, never looking directly at Gerard. Gerard sighed. "alright whatever, let's just eat." he grabbed the aluminum bags off the table and threw them on the bed.

"you shouldn't eat it," Frank said as Brendon and Gerard began opening the bags.

"what do you mean?" Gerard asked, putting the bag down.

"you just shouldn't" Frank responded.

"okay stop being so fucking cryptic. honestly. first Tyler and now you?" Brendon exclaimed. Frank looked up at him.


"don't worry about it," Brendon cut him off. Frank closed his eyes and took a deep breath in.

"yknow how i said, the food you eat is drugged?"

"yeah?.... and??" Brendon asked squinting.

"the fuck do you mean 'yea and?' this is the reason you don't remember shit." Frank barked. Brendon froze. he dropped the bag.

"what are we supposed to eat then?" Gerard asked.

"there's woods out back right? we could hunt something." Frank suggested, picking up one of the bags.

Brendon snorted. "yea Frank. we can go hunt because there's totally animals out there to hunt." then a bag collided with his head.


Gerard sat up. he hadn't slept in three days. the withdrawals had only gotten worse and worse. "Frank." he whispered. "Frank i need it. please. these headaches, the sickness, i can't even move my body i'm in so much pain." he whispered.

Frank looked over at the broken alarm clock. "Gerard it's 10 after 4. you should be taken by sleep, not worrying about some drugged ass food. plus if i give it to you, all this work would be for nothing."

"Frank please! i cant- i cant do it! it's like having a constant migraine. i haven't slept in like three days and the days only seem to get longer and longer. i'm going mad Frank!" Gerard ranted, sitting up and pulling on his hair.

Frank groaned. "okay. c'mon." he crawled out of bed. "get up" he gestured. Gerard followed his lead.

"where are we going?" he asked warily.

Frank smirked and threw on one of Gerards many hoodies. "don't worry about it."


saying the midnight air was cold would be an understatement.

"dude it's fucking freezing, where are we going?" Gerard asked, tightly hugging himself.

"hell" Frank replies nonchalantly.

Gerard's face dropped. "we're already here, where are we gonna go? the seventh layer?"

Frank only laughed. "yea, the seventh layer."


Gerard looked around the dark room.

Brendon felt around blindly until he found the light switch.

"and we're in business baby" Frank said walking around the now illuminated room. Gerard continued to look around. it was still cold but it was a little warmer than it was outside.

"what business exactly?"  Gerard shivered.

Brendon opened his mouth to say something but Frank cut him off before he could say anything stupid.

"group therapy."

"at this time?" Gerard questioned.

Frank looked over at him. he patted the floor next to him and said, "yes, now sit."

Brendon ran over and sat next to Frank.

so i have no idea where i was going with this chapter. let's just say it's a filler. and it's really short so, sorry bout that

The End. ~Frerard~Where stories live. Discover now