a really long backstory (Pt.3)

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"so you're telling me that the food that they give us is filled with some drug that makes us forget everything except who we are, who we consider family, and what's happened before coming here?" Brendon asked skeptically. Frank nodded.

"i told you he's full of shit!" Gerard exclaimed, pointing at Frank.

"okay Gee, shut the fuck up. why would i lie?" Frank asked standing up.

"i don't know? to get under our skin?" Gerard said standing up. "and don't call me Gee." Gerard retorted.

"why Gee?" Frank asked smirking.

"because i don't like it!"

"you want to know why you don't like it? you don't like it because it reminds you of the past but you can't remember what. that's why. let me tell you something Gee. you hated when people called you Gee but you were okay with me calling you Gee. you liked it so don't tell me that i can't call you Gee. i'm the only person that can call you Gee without you being uncomfortable and you know it." Gerard stepped back but Frank only stepped forward.

"wow for a small dude, you're pretty intimidating," Brendon said laughing. Frank looked over at Brendon and glared.

"do you want to ever see Ryan again or not?" Frank said as he turned to Brendon. the younger only smiled and put his hands up in surrender. "yea that's what i thought." Frank huffed. "what time is it?" he turned back to Gerard.

"it's late," Gerard retorted. Frank scowled.

"Brendon time please," Frank said without taking his eyes off Gerard. Gerard sneered back at him.

"it's fuckin' uh..." he looked down at his wrist, "i don't know o-clock. i don't have a watch." he said lifting his arm for them both to see. Frank pinched the bridge of his nose an sighed.

"Berts coming for me tomorrow at 7, correct?" he asked looking at Gerard who nodded once. "you know where the cells are?" he asked looking at Brendon who was attempting to braid his arm hairs. "forehead," Brendon looked up.

"yes the cells. i know where they are." Gerard looked over to Brendon.

"how do you know? only Bert and the general know where the cells are. how could you possibly know?" Gerard asked.

"i have my ways," Brendon said raising his hand to his chest as if what Gerard said genuinely offended him.

"alright whatever as long as one of you know. can you guys get me out tomorrow? like not break me out. not yet. it's too early for that. can you figure a way out for me to stay with you guys tomorrow? just for a few hours?" Frank asked looking back at Gerard. Gerard looked at Frank and every atom in his body begged him to not say what he was about to.

"i can talk to Bert about it," he said. his stomach dropped and knotted it's self. him talking to Bert always ends up with Bert advancing himself on Gerard and Brendon walking in just in time to save his friend and it happens every. single. time.

"i'll come with you." Brendon chimed in knowing how much it hurt Gee to even think about talking to Bert.

"no it won't work if you're there. i need to be alone. it's Bert. you know that." he said looking at the floor.

"i can wait outside the door?" Gerard nodded.

"yea that would work." he said looking back at Brendon leaving Frank to look between them.

"is there something i should know?" he asked. Gerard looked at him.

"when i feel like telling you, i'll tell you." he snapped. Frank closed his eyes and thought. he thought about how badly he could hurt Gerard if he wanted to. he also knew that he couldnt. he couldn't hurt Gerard. he opened his eyes and smiled.

"god you really haven't changed." his smile instantly became a grimace. "anyway," he breathed and walked past Gerard to the other side of the room next to Brendon, "tomorrow Bert comes for me. i'm expecting you guys to show up and get me out and we can continue our conversation then. right now i'm tired and i'd really like to sleep," he said opening the door looking at Brendon, "adieu," he gestured out the door. Brendon bowed.

"see you tomorrow." he bid them farewell and left. Frank closed the door. Gerard walked over to his closet and took out some band shirt. Frank walked over and sat on the bed.

"here," Gerard whispered handing the shirt to Frank. Frank grabbed Gerard's hand.

"are you okay?" he asked. Gerard looked Frank in the eyes, his beautiful hazel eyes.

"i don't have the best history with Bert, he looked away and held his chest. "someone had snuck some alcohol and some weed or whatever in once and Bert invited me over to the 'party'. we both got drunk and high out of our minds and he started to make out with me and eventually that became him grinding on me and him trying to get in my pants." he avoided Franks gaze the entire time. "i don't remember any of this, Brendon told me. i do remember realizing what was going on and trying to get Bert off. he wouldn't budge and i started freaking out."

he closed his eyes and was taken back to that night. everything was fuzzy. the air so thick with the weed laced in it. the music was too loud. the lights were dim and the cabin was way too crowded. he remembers sitting on Berts lap only because there was so where else to sit. he remembers Bert asking him to dance to whatever song was playing at the time. he remembers agreeing and moving towards the middle of the room. he remembers Bert getting too close and latching onto him. he remembers the grinding that he didn't like the feeling of. he remembers the sloppy neck kisses that he didn't want. he remembers the sounds of Berts low groaning in his ear that he didn't want to hear. he remembers trying to get Bert off to no avail. he remembers looking around the room for anyone to acknowledge what was going on. he remembers pushing Bert off but Bert only gripping tighter and grinding harder. he remembers the music getting too loud. he remembers crying and pushing Bert off. he remembers running and running and running. he remembers Brendon finding him on the floor of his cabin, a mess of tears and vomit.

he opened his eyes and was met with warm, caring hazel eyes. he just can't seem to remember this boy in front of him. the boy that makes him feel so many things. the boy that pisses him off but makes his heart melt at the same time. the boy he wouldn't mind talking to. the boy who he wouldn't mind kissing him. the boy who made him feel just like Bert did but so different at the same time. the boy who made him feel good in that store. the boy that he wouldn't mind getting in his pants.

The End. ~Frerard~Where stories live. Discover now