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Frank is a very frivolous (that's a big word that i don't remember the meaning of) person. he doesn't care about the rules. he knew what he did with Gerard could get him in a lot of trouble. did he care? no. he walked around the maze of sewers with a stupid smile plastered on his face. he turned the last corner and dumped his cans of food onto the floor, the sound echoing around. Frank sat and counted his cans. 7. he frowned.

"that's not gonna last.." he thought aloud. then he smiled. if he has to go out, he may see Gerard again. Frank organized his cans because OCD and hid them in his dark corner so no scavengers would find them if they were snooping. he sighed and threw himself down onto his pathetic excuse of a bed. 'none of this stolen food would taste as good as Gerard did' he thought, giggling to himself. he hadn't felt like this since he was 5. before the government fucked everyone over. he was happy once and it was the same boy that made him happy again. he and Gerard had an age difference of 3 years? it's been a while, Frank doesn't remember.

he thinks back a to few hours before when he tasted Gerard. he tasted like mango. an odd flavor on a man if you asked Frank but he didn't mind much because that man was Gerard and Frank liked mangoes. his mouth began to water. he hadn't had mango since 9th grade. he got up and made his way back to where he assumed the front of the store was. you can't really tell when you're under ground. he climbed up and out of the sewer, carelessly sliding the lid back over the manhole, not caring about the amount of noise he made. frivolous.

he snuck back through the tiny opening of the once automatic doors. he froze and listened for any sound before he continued. the sun had started to set and Frank had to get back before dark. getting through the sewers was hard enough in the light but in the dark, it was almost impossible. once Frank was satisfied and sure that no one was there with him, he made his way back to the refrigerated aisle. he searched the shelves, only a few cartons of milk missing. Ryan. he knew it was Ryan. only Ryan loves milk enough to take it. everyone knows how quickly it spoils but Ryan chuggs that shit like it's water.

Frank continued to scan the shelves and his eyes landed on exactly what he was searching for. he opened the door and was hit with a small wave of cool air. he grabbed the mango juice immediately opening the cap. the smell hit him first. his mouth watered. he took a sip out of the carton. it took him back. back to first grade when he first invited Gerard over and he spilled mango juice all over his moms carpet. Gerard cried obviously, being the little 8 year old he was. he kept apologizing and his mom kept insisting that it was okay. Frank hated the fucking thing anyway. it stunk. Frank opened his eyes and looked down at the carton in his hands. he took another swig and then closed it. he grabbed 3 other cartons and went into the canned food aisle. he shoved some canned mixed veggies into his pockets and grabbed whatever else that he probably could tolerate eating and something dropped in the aisle next to his.

"not this shit again," he muttered under his breath. his head still hurt from the Gerard incident.

"WHOS THERE?" this voice was rough and scratched the air in the store. Gerard's was smooth and cut it like a sweet butter knife. Franks eyes grew twice the size of the moon. he's in trouble.

"oH fUCK" he yelled and ran out, pushing the door open more than it already was. "FUCK FUCK FUCK" he ran over to the manhole kicking the top off. "SHIT SHIT SHIT" he threw the food down and before he could jump down as well, he hit the floor. "fucKING BITCH THAT HURT" he yelled.

"IF YOU DONT SHUT THE FUCK UP YOURE GONNA EAT CEMENT" the attacker yelled. Frank got the idea and shut his mouth. he wasn't too surprised when cold metal clasped around his wrists and a shiver ran up his spine. he was jerked up and forced to walk forward. all he could think about is the fact that he just dropped all of that food into the sewer, giving away the location of the store.

aye fuckers! i'm bacc and i got a new chapter and brO, imma make you sob ;)

The End. ~Frerard~Where stories live. Discover now