lots of fighting in this chapter

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"you're an ass you know that?!" Gerard shoved Brendon against the wall.

"hey hey woah!" he exclaimed, enjoying pissed off Gerard a little too much.

"no you fucking left me there!" Gerard threw a punch but Brendon caught it.

"first up, you can't fucking punch so don't even try," he said laughing and grabbing Gerards other hand. "secondly, i didn't leave you there. i hid next to the cabin and i ran back here right before you left." Brendon pushed Gerard off.

"yea bullshit" Gerard said dusting his shirt off.

"okay whatever" Brendon chuckled. "anyway, what's going on with Frank? when's he getting here?"

"later tonight" Gerard responded, walking over to the bathroom. "this is actually healing kinda nicely" he said poking at the once deep purple hickey. it was only a lightish pink now.

"damn, it looked good on you." Gerard froze and looked at Brendon. "no homo tho" Gerard nodded and went back to whatever he was doing in the bathroom.


"WHATUP FUCKERS!" the door swung open and none other than Frank Iero walked in as if he owned the place. he slammed the door behind him. Gerard shot up and looked towards the door. "dude what the fuck are you doing?" Frank asked.

"well i was sleeping until you very rudely slammed my door." Gerard mumbled, laying back down. "now i'm gonna continue to sleep because i'm tired. talking to Bert takes a lot of energy believe it or not." he said snuggling back under the covers.

"are you sure it was only talking?" Frank smirked from where he was standing by the door. Gerard turned and stared at him.

"fuck you Frank." he said turning away. "i'm tired. go bother Brendon or something." he pulled the blanket over his head.

"see, i would sugar, but Bert will be back in a few hours and i need to talk to both of you..now." Frank pouted, sitting on the bed next to Gerard.

"no he's not" Gerard chuckled.

"yes he is"

"no he's not. you're staying with me until the general gets back from sucking off the president or something." Gerard said yawning. Frank opened his eyes wide.

"you convinced Bert to let me stay with you?" he asked.

"yes and now i'm starting to think it wasn't the best of ideas." Gerard pulled the pillow over his head. Frank laughed.

"no you want to know a bad idea? starting a band, doing some mildly gay things with one of the guitarists, marry some chick out of spite and break the band up after 12 years with out telling the guitarist that you made out with on stage. now that's a bad idea." Frank chuckled. Gerard sat up.

"that's a pretty good idea actually." Gerard said looking at Frank.

"wait no-"

"i'm kidding. i don't know where i'd find a guitarist to do mildly gay things with anyway." Gerard shrugged. Frank slowly raised his hand. "you play?"

"yes. i played a song for you on your 18th but you wouldn't remember that." Frank responded sadly. "i haven't played in a while."

"when we get out, we can go raid a music store or something." Frank just laughed.

"there aren't any outlets in the sewers." he looked at Gerard.

"who said we'd have to play in the sewers?" Frank raised his eyebrow.

"what do you have in mind?" he asked.

"i'm sure there are plenty of abandoned warehouses that we could use." Gerard said as if he's thought about it forever.

"that's actually a pretty good ide-"

"is the small bitch here yet?" Brendon walked in holding a few small aluminum bags. he was reading what the contents of the bags were. when he was met with silence he looked up.

"the what bitch?" Frank asked standing up.

"the vertically challenged bitch." Brendon tried again. Frank scowled. "nO WAIT!" Brendon screeched. Frank threw him into the floor and started beating the shit out of him.

"call me vertically challenged one more fucking time and i'll show you who's fucking vertically challenged." Gerard jumped out of bed and ran over to the mess of two fucking idiots fighting on the floor, well one idiot beating the shit out of the other idiot. he grabbed Franks arms and attempted to pull him off the black haired moron.

"okay cmon, you had your fun. get off him." Gerard strained. for a small dude, Frank was pretty strong. Gerard continued to pull until he got Frank off him. Brendon sat up and backed up against the wall.

"you fucking psychopath!" he screamed. "Gerard please control your child!"

"you little-" Frank fought against Gerards hold and began kicking and punching the air.

"Frank- stahP" Gerard pulled Frank back, only gripping him tighter. Brendon smiled and stuck his tongue out.

"behave little one," he said calmly. Frank stopped fighting. he got an idea. an idea that would work. he smirked. Brendons smile immediately became confusion. Frank turned around in Gerards arms and laid a sloppy kiss onto his lips. Gerard, stunned, loosened his grip on Frank. Frank pulled away and smiled softly before escaping Gerards hold and throwing himself at Brendon. Brendon, who was standing at this point, began to run.

"get over here you little fuck!" Frank called out after him. they ran outside and Gerard only closed the door behind them.

"so much for fucking sleeping," he said picked up the bags from the floor.


Gerard looked at the window. Brendons face was squished against it.

"GERARD HELP! PLEASE! LET ME IN! THIS SMALL CHILD IS HURTING ME!" at that, Brendons face disappeared from view. it was replaced with screams and hands.

"kinky" Gerard whispered under his breath. Gerard put the bags on the small wooden table in the corner of the room. he moved over to the window and opened it. "when you two are done fucking, can you come inside so we can eat?" Gerard asked into the night. the screaming had ceased and they were being oddly quiet. Gerard grew nervous. "Brendon?" no reply. "Frank?" no reply. "i swear to god, if i have to go and hide a body right now, i'm going to be pissed," he hissed, closing the window.

he walked over to the table and took his hoodie off the chair. he pulled his hoodie on and closed the door behind him. "it's fucking cold" he said shivering slightly. he stepped onto the wet grass and walked around his cabin twice. the boys were no where to be found. that is until yelling came from another cabin.

Gerard ran over and opened the door. the sight in front of him definitely took him by surprise. Frank was on Brendons shoulders and was covering Brendons eyes. the boys who resided in the cabin had pressed themselves against the walls. they looked at Gerard. "ARE YOU TWO FUCKING SERIOUS?" he yelled. both Brendon and Frank froze, almost comedically. "Frank get off him." if Gerard could shoot daggers out of his eyes, both Brendon and Frank would've been dead by now. Brendon leaned forward, throwing Frank off him. Gerard shook his head and walked back to his cabin, still barefoot.

The End. ~Frerard~Where stories live. Discover now