Good ol' days

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Clover's POV

It had been ages since i had seen him, a lot of shit had gone down while he was away on tour but as i stood outside his door armed with pizza and beer all the crap in my life went and i couldn't wait to see him! Just as i was about to lift my hand to knock, the door swung open and Danny walked straight into me. I hadn't seen him in what felt like a hundred years and i had forgotten how amazing he was and my mind flipped back to the first time i saw him, it was my first day at a new school after my mum had passed away and i was scared to death of how it was going to be, of course my dad said it would be fine and i would make friends easily but i didn't believe him until Danny sat with me at lunch: we have been best friends ever since!

"Surprise!" i gave him a massive 'welcome home' grin

"Clo!!!!!!!!!!!" he said excitedly as he swung his arms around me, giving me the tightest hug ever "i have missed ye so much, i was just coming to see ye" i was juggling the pizza and beers behind his back, being so careful not to drop anything.

"I've missed you too!" i shook off his hug so i could balance everything a little better and headed into Dan's apartment, he'd only been back a few hours and already there were clothes and CD's flooding the floor but knowing Danny they were probably still there from before he went away! I carefully stepped over his stuff and sat down on the sofa, placing the pizza on the coffee table (although this was hard as it was covered in magazines but i soon made space.

"Beer Dan?" 

"Do you really have to ask?!" he said cheekily as he threw his leather jacket on the back of the sofa and kicked off his scruffy black docs. "Ohh you have pizza, can i have some?" before i could answer 'yes' he had already opened it up and was eating his first slice it made me laugh how i missed him so much while he was away but as soon as i saw him again, we just got straight back to normal, back to the good ol' days!

i had my feet up on his sofa and he did the same, man i missed his cheeky little smile! i nudged him with my foot to get his attention "soooooo, good tour, not that i really need to ask music man?!" 

"it was bloody brilliant! Best tour yet! everyone was so excited to hear superheroes for the first time and now they are all more excited to hear no sound without silence tomorrow, cant wait!" i loved how enthusiastic he got about his music, it always put a smile on my face and to be honest even i was seriously excited to hear the new album, he'd kept it quite quiet considering i was his best friend... but that was ok, he recorded most of it on tour so i didn't really have a chance to get a sneak preview!

"Haha, glad to hear it, can i not hear a tiny bit of no sound without silence now, you know how excited i am?!!" i smiled and gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

"nope, you can wait till tomorrow like everyone else! your gunna love it!!"

i looked down and suddenly remembered how crap it all was without Dan, i tried so hard not to let that feeling fill me up but it was too hard, it was his first day back and i was supposed to be happy, why didn't anything go my way?

Danny's POV

i was so glad to see her, Clover: what a beautiful name... that's why she was always my little good luck charm! I knew how excited she was to hear the album but I was enjoying teasing her and in fairness i hadn't seen her in ages so i was ready for catching up with her, one more day to wait wasnt gunna hurt! she was wearing a gorgeous floaty white dress and i felt so scruffy in comparison but she made any clothes look good! she looked away for a moment, i wasn't sure if she was just daydreaming or something but she just looked upset like she was about to burst into tears, i knew something was up and i made it my mission to make her feel better no matter what!

"whats the matter Clo?" i said softly, probably best to get to the bottom of this before i tried cheering her up.

"huh? nothing..." she didn't look at me, but i had to find out what was up, i moved over so i was lying next to her, like i was on standby in case she just needed a hug. 

"c'mon, I've known you since you were 14, i know when somethings up" i saw her eyes fill up and a whole lotta guilt smacked me right in the face, i didn't meant to upset her and i hated it when she cried, it was always very rare but when she did it was always serious, i was supposed to be the strong one but i felt a lump in my throat as she told me what happened while i was away: her dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer and she was going to be left with no one. i could see her trying to fight back the tears, but i knew how hard it was loosing a loved one and it was probably best if she did leave it to her emotions just for a little bit. i gave her a hug, i knew i didn't have to say anything but i felt like i needed to just let her know that she wasn't alone, "i know you probably don't want to hear this right now but you're not alone, you've got me and I'm never gunna leave you"

"thanks" she said, wiping away her tears and giving me a little smile, "now, your first day back, are we gunna have a beer and a movie or what?"

A/N: heyyy, thanks for reading! deleted my last fanfic because it was a bit crap but hopefully this one will be better! yeah... sorry i kicked it off with a bit of a depressing chapter, it will get happier! dont forget to comment what you think!  

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