Long gone and moved on

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Clo's POV

"Cork! How you guys doing tonight" Danny shouted as he walked on stage and everyone screamed... He scanned the front row and winked as he saw me give him a cheeky smile... Literally all the fans surrounding me started saying

"Oh my god Danny O'donoghue just winked at me oh my god!!" and I laughed

"Were gunna start with one yis all know and it would be an honour if you could sing it with me" Mark started strumming the familiar chords of The Man Who Can't Be Moved...

... Going back to the corner where I first saw you... Danny started then pointed the mic at the amazing crowd that is the script family and we all continued

... Gunna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gunna move...

It was amazing! Danny's voice was flawless...  His voice, the only voice that could make me happy no matter how sad I was...  I just wished he knew that but I still couldn't tell him... A few songs later he had a quiet word with Mark and Glen... The crowd seemed quite oblivious but I knew Danny and I knew something was going on

"Right, so there is a very special girl in the audience tonight... Guaranteed she won't know I'm talking about her but she's perfect in every single way...  But I can't have her... so if you don't mind were gunna do a song we wouldn't normally perform live... " Half the crowd cheered as they heard the start of Long Gone And Moved On, the others half let out a sympathetic 'awwwwww'

...Whens the day you start again...

I smiled but I couldn't help but think about who this 'perfect' girl was...  I wanted him to be happy and I wished he had told me that he was in love with some girl...  But still a part of me thought she wasn't worth it if she didn't know how perfect he was. As I thought Danny jumped off stage and the front row went absolutely mental, he was letting them take photos of him as he sang and took a number of people hats off, wore them and then threw them back into the crowd...  He walked past me and then turned to face me putting one of the hats on my head which made me laugh

... It gets under my skin to see you with him and its not me that your with...

He looked me right in my eyes and gave me a half hearted smile... Whoever this girl he was trying to win over was I definitely thought she must have been crazy not to realise this was for her...

"Sing the rest for me babe" he handed the mic to a group of screaming girls who couldn't sing because they were so excited

"What the fuck are you doing" I shouted at Dan, I knew his fans wanted him to finish and I knew whoever this girl was wanted him to finish but his face looked angry and he shook his head...  I grabbed the mic from the girls "you have to get your arse back on stage and finish the song Danny..." I said handing him the microphone and he headed back to the stage

"Fuck this" he said as he shoved the mix into Marks hand and walked back stage

"Sorry guys....  Looks like Dan's had a bit too much to drink" Glen said so he wouldn't disappoint the fans but Danny didn't come back... But I had been with Danny all day and I knew (for once) he hadn't been drinking...  They let Labyrinth take the stage and the gig was over before we knew it... I wandered what the fuck could have been wrong with Dan... Mark let me backstage and told me Danny hadn't come out if the dressing room since he walked off...

"Dan,  its Clover...  Can I come in?"I said, knocking on the door, he opened it and grabbed my arm to drag me in "what the fuck happened to you out there?"

"You still don't get it do you?" He said, he was smiling but I could see the pain behind his eyes

"Get what?"

"Its you... And its killing me"


"Fuck...  Just leave it" he walked away from me but I grabbed his arm

"What Danny?" I raised my voice

"You wouldn't get it" he said sarcastically

"What I wouldn't get it because I'm so naive or something??" I was really shouting at him by now, it pissed me off that he still didn't know how I felt but I was supposed to be his best friend and he should have been able to tell me anything "its not like I've known you since I was 14 or anything...  How the fuck should I know how you feel?! Its not like your my best friend and I know everything about you!"

"Don't make this about you Clo...  You don't know everything about me" he wasn't shouting, he just sounded kinda sad

"No, you're right...  Its not about me! Its about you...  You just missed half a gig, disappointed all your fans for this mystery girl and she still can't see it?! Well I'll tell you what Danny, if she can't see how bloody perfect you are then she's not worth it" I couldn't believe I said that...  That was as good as saying it... He just stood there staring at me for ages, I felt my face go red with embarrassment but it was like I was glued to the spot: I couldn't take my eyes off him...

He moved closer to me, took one of my hands in his and brushed my hair back with the other...  He lent his head down so it was touching mine and pulled me closer towards him... 

"I love you Clo" he whispered and gave me a sweet smile

"I love you too Danny" he moved his head closer to mine and kissed me... 

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