we cry

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Clover's POV

As we arrived at the hospital, i felt my legs go weak and my head start spinning, continuously thinking about my dad. Danny followed me in, i didn't ask him to but i was glad he did, i was so scared and i could feel what was going to happen. He sat down in the waiting room and gave me a nod as i cautiously walked to the room my dad was in... as soon as i walked i i could feel it, the pain he must have been in and how he must have been feeling. There were a variety of wires connecting him to different, complex looking pieces of machinery, the only sound coming from the unnaturally slow bleeps from his cardiac monitor. My heart filled with dread as i sat down next to him, i held his hand tight and he held mine back in silence for a good five minutes than he took his oxygen mask off of his face and looked at me

"I don't want you to be upset Clo, we knew this day was going to come sooner or later" his voice was weak and pitiful, i could feel that lump rise in my throat again and my eyes fill up, it destroyed me to hear him say it "you just remember Clo, anytime you need me ill be there and i will help as best as i can, ill look out for you no matter what but you have to be strong and you and your sister have to look out for each other... i don't want you to mourn my death, i want you to celebrate my living" tears rolled down my face as i listened to him talk, all my other problems were pushed to one side "i love you Clo, so so much and if i could take your pain with me i would" that was my dad, he still remained completely selfless at a time like that

"i love you too dad" i managed to squeeze out "are you scared?" it was a stupid question but what else could i say?

"I'm bloody terrified Clo, not about going, but leaving you and Brittany behind, I'm going to miss you so much" i hung my head and sighed "but its going to be ok, it'll be ok, i promise" his grip loosened on my hand and i lifted my head to see his eyes slowly close and the noise from his cardiac monitor faded into one long drone... 

"time of death 20:56" a nurse said, pulling the thing hospital sheets over my dads body "I'm sorry Clover" she led me out into the waiting room where Danny stood up to greet me with a hug, i never felt a feeling worse than that, my head was still spinning and my heart broke into a million pieces.

Danny's POV

There was no point in asking if she was ok... it was obvious. you cant take away that pain you can only ease it with time but it never goes away, i could speak from experience. I guided her to a chair and she pressed her face into my jacket, so many tears rolling down her face... i wished i could have taken it all away, but all i could do was hug her tight and reassure her that she wasn't alone.

"Clo?" her Head crept out of my jacket and we both turned to see her sisters confused face look at us. She stood up and hugged her (i always thought she hated her sister but i suppose they were all each other had then) "Clo?" she repeated, I'm not sure whether she was still half confused or whether she was trying to convince herself that nothing had happened.

"Dads gone" she managed to say and they both cried. after a while they broke apart and Brittany left, Clo had her head down, just stood in the waiting room. I stood up and walked slowly towards her and took her hand in mine... it was time to go home.

I went in with her, i couldn't leave her on her own, i remembered how lost i felt when my dad went and i was surrounded by my family... i couldn't imagine how she must be feeling. We didn't say anything as we walked upstairs, there was no need. She tucked herself straight into bed and placed her head down on the pillow, i sat with her a while and then went to leave before hearing a tiny voice say something to me

"stay..." she whispered, she'd stopped crying by now but her voice was still broken up and full of sorrow so i nodded my head and climbed in next to her and i slowly drifted into sleep.

A/N: so i know that was quite short, but a lot happened so y'know, needed a bit of a break at the end....

Thanks for reading, comment what you think

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