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Clover's POV

It had been about two months since my Dad's funeral, i tried to talk to Brittany but she wasn't listening... either she was really upset about dad or she didn't want anything to do with me, but as her older sister i was used to her saying she hated me! Danny had been so supportive but i was doing alright now, i still thought about dad, it still upset me but i was doing ok so Danny spent some more time in the studios and preparing for gigs with the lads.

I was sat in Starbucks on my laptop, just flicking through some of the photo's from the good ol' days and i found one of me and Brittany from many many years ago, i was 14 and she was 6, it was just after mum passed away but we still had our smiles on our faces, i remembered the time when she would tell me that everything was going to be ok... even though she was really little then it still made everything seem better. But after dad went... nothing. she didn't talk to me, she was 22 and i thought she had grown out of that but apparently not; i let out a big sigh thinking about what could have been...

"You look like you could do with a coffee" A voice said in front of me, it was a nice accent and i assumed he was from a nice part of London, i looked up to see a very attractive man smiling down at me. He had messy blond hair, a slim body and was wearing jeans, a black shirt and a leather jacket that reminded me of Danny's.

"think you might be right!" I laughed

"Americano coming up!" A part of me still thought he worked there.

"Thanks" i said as he made his way over to the counter and brought our coffees, he sat down next to me and i closed my laptop "I'm Clo by the way... well Clover" i said

"lovely name... I'm Chris, nice to meet you" i shook his hand and he smiled "So, do i want to ask whats up?" at first i thought this was an odd question to ask a stranger, but i hadn't told anyone about what was really going on

"Pretty much everything" i sighed

"I know how you feel" he said sympathetically "well a problem shared is a problem halved and all that... to cut a long story short, I'm in love with my best friend but she's just found someone else"

"No way" i wanted to be sympathetic because i knew all too well what he was going through but all i could do was smile at the fact that i wasn't alone "Sorry, i didn't mean to smile, its just that.... pretty much the same thing is going on between me and my best friend... except that he is single but hes kinda very famous so he gets all the girls attention every day and its so obvious he likes it"

"wow! i thought i was the only one... who's the guy then??" 

i leaned forward so i could whisper "Right, as long as you don't tell anyone" he nodded and held his little finger out

"Pinky swear" i laughed, put took it anyway

"Danny O'Donoghue" i whispered and then hid my face as if i was embarrassed or something

"Holy shit, so you were looking through some photo's of him a second ago"

"No, it was me and my sister... but thats's a whole different kettle of fish" i sipped my coffee and he smiled at me

"Why do we spend like our whole lives like this when we cant have them?" this was really weird, it was literally like talking to my conscience

"I know! feeling it every day and not doing anything about it"

"yeh, but if we did do something about it then we could loose a best friend as well" it felt like i had known this guy for ages, it was really freaky how we were both talking about the same thing even though we were pretty much strangers.

Chris's POV

She was beautiful and i couldn't believe there was another person in the world (let alone Dublin) that was going thought the same thing... i could tell all that crap was getting her down and i suppose trying to cheer her up was really an attempt to cheer myself up. "We don't deserve this"

"We really don't, i think I'm a fairly nice person... but i have to feel this every single day"

"Yeh, but its so hard to move on"

"Impossible" it was only impossible because we thought we were on our own, but we had each other... wasn't that enough?

"Come out for dinner with me tomorrow" i was nervous about asking, but i didn't really know why

"what like a date" she giggled, showing her little cheek dimples

"yeh, something like that?"

"yeh sure... why not... its time to move on" she was glowing as she sat there drinking her coffee and she was right, it was time to  move on...

A/N: yeh, wrote this in about a minute so its quite bad but oh well! hope you re enjoying the story!

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