Walk away

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Clover's POV

It had been about three weeks since i had told Danny i was going out with Chris, he didn't take the news like i thought he would: when i told hem he just started talking about something else as if he hadn't even heard me... he wouldn't reply to my texts and kept ignoring my calls, i was getting worried about him but i just couldn't figure out why he was being like that. I'd been up all night thinking about it. I picked up my phone to text Glen (because i knew Mark would still be sleeping off the night before!)

Me: heyy G, sorry its really early but have you seen Dan at all this week?? 

Glen: Jeeze Clo, when you say early... 3:46???! yeh course I've seen him, why? 

Me: hes just been ignoring my calls and not replying to my texts and stuff... was getting a bit worried... 

Glen: that's strange, he's seemed alright to me

Me: he hasn't spoken to me at all since i told him i was going out with someone and that was about three weeks ago

Glen: ooohh, i didn't know you had a new boyfriend!! he hasn't mentioned anything to me... i reckon hes just been busy, we've had a long week doing radio stuff

Me: ok... thanks Glen, again sorry it was so early!! if you see him though, tell him hi from me...

Glen: will do Clo, going back to sleep now!!

I always thought he told the lads everything, but he didn't even mention me and Chris; i rested my head back against the pillow and Chris rolled over and opened his sleepy eyes, for a moment i was happy... but he wasn't Danny...

"how long have you been up?" he mumbled sleepily


"Is everything ok?" his voice was filled with concern but i was still thinking about Danny and didn't register in my mind for a while that he had asked me another question  "Clover" he said again

"Huh, yeah I'm fine... do you want a cup of tea?"

"Tea?! god no! coffee for me please, I'm up now anyway so ill make it" it still killed me how he didn't like tea, Dan loved tea...

"na, ill make it... i need something to do anyway" as i got out of bed my eyes were drawn to a flashing face on my phone, it was Danny's face... why was he calling so early? Did Glen talk to him? i quickly picked my phone up and pressed answer

"yello...?" i walked into the kitchen and flicked the kettle on

"He Clo, sorry its really early... i couldn't sleep" 

"Don't worry, nor could i..."

"oh right... why?"

"the truth?"

"would you lie to me??" he said cheekily, but he had a point

"Naa! I was up thinking about you, I've been worried Dan, i haven't heard from you in ages"

"Oh... yeah, sorry about that.... its a long story" i wasn't going to ask, he said it was a long story for a reason... i did wonder what was going on, but as long as i knew he was ok, that was the important thing!

"oh right... what do you want now then?" i laughed to cut the tension

"I really need to talk to you" he sounded serious

"Ok, go for it" 

"Na, face to face... can you come to mine?" now i was worried but my attention was drawn to the two cups of tea i had made... Chris wanted coffee! i poured the tea into a flask so i could take it to Dan.

"what... now?" 

"Yeh, sorry its early but its important"

"its fine, ill be there in a minute!" i downed my tea and it burnt my throat as it ran down it... it was like swallowing needles but i didn't care, i was too distracted by Danny.... i ran to my bedroom and put on some jeans and a tshirt, not bothering with make-up and i just put my hair back into a pony tail

"Where are you going" Chris said

"its... a long story" i replied, using a trick from Dan's book!

"Ok, when will you-" i cut him off as i ran for the door

"bye" i shouted and then shut the door behind me. It was freezing, but i didn't bother going back for a coat i just jogged to keep warm.

Danny's POV

I heard loud knocking and immediately ran to open the door; i had been rehearsing what i was going to say to her, how i was going to say it and i thought i was ready but then i opened the door to see her beautiful little self smile at me, she was wearing scruffy jeans and a plain white top, obviously not wearing make-up but she didn't need it, her natural beauty was perfect

"Tea" She said enthusiastically, she had obviously had one herself... nobody is that awake at about half four in the morning

"perfect! come on in, make yourself at home" she carefully shut the door behind her as if she hadnt already woken up the whole city with her loud knocking! "Do you want some?" 

"ooh, cheeky! no thanks it all for you!" she always made me laugh with her comments, it was like she had an innuendo indicator built into her mind!

"Haha, thanks" i gave her a little wink and she giggled 

"What did you wanna talk to me about then?" she sounded serious but intrigued

"Oh yeh... well it just... i" all that rehearsing turned to shit as i looked into her eyes, they had a dark blue ring which slowly faded into a mixture of green, crystal and amber... i'd never seen any eyes like hers

"Go on" she said softly

"well... im back with Irma" her face was full of thought and after about five seconds she looked at me and laughed "what?" i questioned

"You're such an idiot!" she said, still laughing to herself " You two split up for a reason Dan, one of you, if not both of you are gunna hurt"

"you dont know anything about it" i got a bit defensive, i didn't mean to but it was like she knew how i felt about her and she was just messing with me...

"only because you didn't bother to talk to me for three weeks" she sounded pissed off and i didn't blame her, i was an idiot... i just couldn't see it at that point

"Oh i do appologise for not butting into your happy love life" i said sarcastically and her face looked disappointed...

"Happy?! you have no idea how i feel" i had no idea what she meant

"Oh poor you... you've only got everything you want, that must be terrible"

"who said i have everything i want?" she lowered her voice, i could tell she was really pissed off but i still didn't have a clue what she was talking about

"Why cant you just be happy for us"

"Oh so you two are 'us' now? well don't come crying to me when you get hurt!" if i was her i would have given me a slap or something, i was blind. i couldn't see what was right in front of me and i didn't see how going back to Irma was going to effect her... it was silent for a good minute as i thought about what she said

"if you're that bothered about it, then why don't you just walk away!" i saw her eyes fill up and my heart broke again, it was my fault she was upset and i felt awful... she looked at me and then walked to the door... i was so angry with myself i couldn't say anything and i couldn't move until she left.

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