Hail rain or sunshine

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Clover's POV

I woke up again at 10:55am, Danny was still asleep next to me so i quietly crept to the kitchen where i saw Chis at the breakfast bar... it had been one hell of a morning and i felt bad for pretty much completely cutting him out of the picture... i walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders

"Sorry about this morning" i whispered and he turned around to smile

"It's ok... i know how you feel" he brushed my hair right back and gave me a little kiss before saying "iv'e got a-"

"I really dont wanna know how that sentence finished" Dan inturrupted which really made me cry with laughter

"I was gunna say 'a super idea' actually!" Chris looked so smug as he said that to Danny, i could tell those to were not going to be the best of friends!

"haha, that was too funny! Whats this idea then?" i broke the silence to try and keep the peace and Chris pointed at and ad in the paper

"Im gunna buy a cafe!" this wasnt exactly the 'super idea' i was thinking of but i didnt want to put him down so at least tried to sound enthusiastic

"wow, thats so cool" maybe my acting skills werent as amazing as i thought they were, Dan gave me a smirk and raised his eyebrows at me

"Yeh that sounds so cool doesnt it Clo" he chipped in sarcastically and gave me a massive grin which gave me the giggles "Whats so funny Clo?" i just couldnt control my laughter 

"Are you alright?" Chris said which made me laugh even more "I was just wandering if you wanted, if both of you wanted to come and see it with me today before i buy it...?" i could barely breath let alone reply so i indicated for Dan to say something

"We'd love to come mate!"

"yeh, course" i tried my best to supress my laughter by staring at the floor and trying not to think of anything, Chris gave me half a hug and went to get ready... 

"Wow, you really handled that situation" Danny said cheekily

"Yeh thanks for that! I dont think that took anything away from my flawless acting skills right there!"

"I have seen more enthusiastic people at a funeral" 

"Fuck it! We always have a good time!"

"Wether its hail rain of sunshine!" i smiled at him and went to get ready

Danny's POV

I loved the sound of her laugh and i loved her smile so i just couldnt help making her laugh more and more, dont get me wrong i felt bad for Chris but i really couldnt resist it! I must have been thinking about her for ages until my train of thought was broken by a buzzing in my pocket, i took out my phone to see Irma's face flashing on my screen... i thought for a few seconds then rejected it.

"Who was that?" Chris said, walking into the room... he obviously wasnt interested but he did try to make an effort with his girlfriends best friend and for that he had a tiny slice of my respect

"Just... my girlfriend"

"Things aren't going great for you two?" he had a hint of smugness in his face, full of fake sympathy

"Actually, things are going great... We're going out tonight!" I said, teaching him a lesson, but I wasn't expecting Clo to come in at the same time...

"Chill  your tits Danny boy! You two are the real deal then?" Just as she said this she pulled part her phone and looked a bit pissed off "shit"

"What's up?" Chris got there before me, I swear it was becoming a bit of a competition for her attention

"Its that guy again Dan!"I knew exactly what she meant and indicated her to hand me the phone

"What's his name sweetheart?"No one was gunna mess with my Clover

"Damien..." She sounded worried and upset which made me even more pissed about her stalker!

"Hiya, Clo's phone!"

"Its damien, is she there?"

"Oh, so you're Damien... So your the guy who's been texting and calling and stalking my girlfriend" Christ looked like he was about to hit me, but Clo had a massive smile on her face

"Ummm... " That guy got caught red handed

"Well, if you even look at her again I'll come down there and rip your fuckin' throat out, got it?!" I meant every last word

"uhuh, sorry!" And he put the phone down, Clo just looked at me

"Sorted sweetheart... " She walked across the room, completely ignoring the pissed look on Chris's face and gave me a kiss on the cheek and a long warm hug "you ok?"

"What would I do without you..." Chris got up and walked over to me...

A/N: ooohhhhh cliff hanger!!!! (You're gunna like the next chapter Mar!!!!!) DRAMA!

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