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"Come on Kaya! Lets go!" I heard my best friend, Lucy call to me from the living room. I was getting ready for a double date with Lucy, her boyfriend and my boyfriend.

Me and my boyfriend Tanner had been together for three years now, ever since I was thirteen. Now I was soon to become seventeen and we were still together, I've already told him I loved him and he said the same back. I trusted him with my heart.

He was everything I had ever needed in a guy, a lover, best friend but most importantly someone I trusted wholly, with my heart.

"Give Me a second!" I call out. I brushed on a few more strokes of mascara and quickly checked to make sure my hair was perfect.

I had blonde hair, naturally of course, I don't think I'd ever want to dye my hair. I also had blue eyes, I was told I had the kind that sparkled.

I quickly checked through my bag. Wallet, check. Phone, check. Pepper spray, check. ID, check. Okay that was everything I needed.

"Okay let's go" I said, running in my heels to the living room, which I will tell you is quite hard when there about 6 inches high.

"Finally" She rolled her eyes and groaned. She opened the door.

"My Lady" She said, holding the door open while bowing low, like I was a princess.

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"Hey Babe" My boyfriend of 3 years, Tanner greeted me. We shared a quick kiss before I settled myself on his lap. We had the kind of relationship that people envied, the relationship where you thought you wanted to marry each other.

The date yesterday had gone amazing. Tanner was the perfect Gentleman; Opening the doors, pulling out my chair, offering to pay the bill.

I saw Lucy roll her eyes at us.

"Just because you guys have it perfect shouldn't mean you should be able to flaunt it in front of everyone else" She muttered, crossing over her arms and leaning against the passenger door of my car.

I forgot, her date forgot to "show up" and she immediately dumped him over a phone call when he made up a lame excuse about his grandmother was sick even though it was common knowledge that both of his grandparents had passed away last year..

"Sorry" I said pulling out of Tanners arms and going towards her with my arms open for a hug. I was a hug person. Lucy rolled her eyes but returned my hug. I squeezed her tight to let her know that i was there for her, she really liked the guy.

"C'mon, lets go spend the last week of junior year properly" I said, tugging Lucy along with me to my locker so i could grab my books and get some of the cola candy I kept in there to keep me awake.

We were halfway to my locker when I felt her trying to pull her wrist out of my grip. She twisted and turned before finally pulling us to a stop in the middle of the hallway with everyone staring at us.

I wasn't going to lie and say that I wasn't used to people staring because people stared at me often. I was nicknamed in school was flawless, for the simple reason of the fact that I had a flawless life. I sound totally full of myself, but I wasn't one to deny something. I was flawless. My life was flawless. I was perfect and I knew it but I didn't show it off. I don't show off. But because of my flawlessness I had been named one of the "Top Three"

The "Top Three" were the three most popular people in school. I currently was ranked first in the "Top Three" being followed by my Boyfriend Tanner and Lucy Third.

"Stop it!" Lucy screamed at me.

Honestly I was surprised, I've never had someone shout at me before, especially like this.

"What?" I questioned. Peoples eyes immedietly went to us.

"Why do you act like you have the perfect life!?!" She screamed at me.

I froze, I've never been put in this position before. I wasn't used to people screaming into my ear about how I had the "Flawless Life".

She screeched about how I was a major bitch and I honestly say that I looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"You know what just forget it!" she screamed at me and stomped away. I kind of just stood there for a while. I felt the predatory gazes slip off me as they went back to minding their own business.

 I slowly unfroze and walked slowly to my locker, feeling peoples judging gazes settle on me, whispering, Turning to their friends to talk about me and my life.

I froze in my place, yet again, when my locker came into view.

There, pressed up against my very own locker, was my boyfriend and Lucy, Looking like they we're seconds away from ripping their clothing off each other. They we're devouring each other; even I hadn't done that with Tanner.

"oh sh*t dude, look, it's Kaya" someone whispered to his friend. And suddenly everyone was murmuring and pointing at the two Horn-dogs and me.

I rubbed my temples, I felt a major migraine coming on. All I did was turn back and walk out of school and into my car.

Sitting in my car gave me time to think. Lucy had been acting different, weird even. In the two years I have known her she has never acted like this. She wasn't one of those people that thrived to be in the spotlight but she had brought up us being the Top Three a couple times. Sometimes joking that she should've been the one that was rank one, not three.

Then i figured it out. Why she becamse my friend in the first place. The girl was probably plotting this the whole time.  She became my "friend" for popularity, I had been her friend after I was ranked first in freshman year. I honestly cherished our friendship and wanted us to be the best friends that lasted till we were old and withered. Obviously she didn't have the same vision as I did.

The betrayal hit hard. I guess all good things come to an end i thought bitterly before pulling out of the school car park and drive to my apartment to drop of my car before walking the short distance to central park.

I walked straight to the trees surrounding cleopatras neede and quickly located the tree that Tanner and I carved out names into with a heart surrounding them. I grabbed the pen from my back pocket that I brought from home that I was planning to use and gripped it like a dagger.

I slashed at out names violently. Making sure that it was unreadable. Slashing away our earliest memory. Slashing away my love for him.

Then and there, I fell apart.

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HEY! :) Hope you guys are intrested, i'm really into this story and i want a lot of people to like it too.


The actors are on the right ->

and there is a slideshow of the [main] characters . Enjoy

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