Sick and Saddened by All

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Epilepsy. (M/N) had epilepsy, or as the ungodly long name of it was a Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy called Unverricht-Lundborg disease and it was almost impossible to treat with normal medication.

Venom was a disaster. Every time (M/N) had a seizure he was forced from the body, and he didn't know how to help. Wounds he could heal, but this was a genetic mutation and there was nothing he could do about it. 

Tony was also a mess, but a little bit less. He was rich, he was smart, he could help (M/N) through life. 

(M/N) was....sick though. It had nothing to do with epilepsy, it was the medication he was on. Very rarely could this form of epilepsy be dealt with by medication, but it never hurt to try. Only this stuff was hurting him. 

(M/N) was in Tony's bed, he hadn't wanted to sleep by himself since the incident, and he was sick to his stomach. He couldn't hold anything down, Tony was afraid he'd have to go to the hospital if he got anymore dehydrated. 

It didn't help that Venom was also refusing everything Tony tried to give them. He knew how to take care of his son, he knew what he was doing, but all the water and broth and saltines were thrown away by a goop monster finding refuge in his son. 

He was pissed, rightfully so, and if Venom didn't let him help he was going to go ballistic. 

He was sitting in the kitchen with his head in his hands. He'd tried everything, chocolate, free reign over the TV, hell, he 'd told Venom he could kill someone! The damn alien still declined. 

He was so close, so god damned close to the edge of crying. He was frustrated over everything, tired from comforting his son in the bathroom all night, and god all he wanted to do was help. It was a damned miracle he was still functioning right now. 

Everything in the tower had been fixed, FRIDAY was back online, all the lights were back up, and Tony could care less. 

The sound of the elevator forced him to look up, and when it stopped at his floor Tony forced himself to his feet. He was exhausted, but that was alright. Tony would go through many sleepless nights if that meant he could help (M/N).

Instead of Pepper or Rhodes as he thought it would be Clint came out. He looked sheepish, also tired, and he was holding a mass of blankets and pillows. He came in, Tony watching him warily as he shifted uneasily, dropping the mass onto the couch.

He looked at Tony, facing him, wiping his hands on his pants. He was nervous, Tony realized after a sleep-deprived second, scared almost, and he wished he wasn't.

"I uh," Clint cleared his throat, looking everywhere except for Tony, and he almost wished he would. He wanted everything to go back to how it was, to when Clint and he could sit in the common room and banter, but god his heart was going a million miles a second. 

Clint cleared his throat again. "I know you probably don't want to see me," Tony barley held a scoff back at that, "but I know what it's like to feel helpless."

Tony didn't know much of Clint's personal life. He did know that he had started to leave the tower frequently and for long periods of time that were getting longer. He knew Clint had a wife, knew he had kids. He didn't know much else besides that. 

"As one parent to another," he was so nervous, his mouth felt like cotton. God, he wasn't some school girl trying to confess! He just wanted to help!

"As one parent to another, I want to help." Tony, tired as all hell, stood there in silence for a moment or two as he tried to go unbox what Clint had said, and in all honesty, he was grateful.

"One of Laura's brothers has Epilepsy so I asked her to call him to see what I could do and all that I can really do as someone not in your family is give you support and a disgusting amount of pillows," Clint was talking fast, it was obvious he was nervous about being here, and Tony's silence probably wasn't helping.

"Thank you," Tony said, his voice gravely from crying all night with (M/N). Clint nodded awkwardly, moving to point over to the elevator. "I'm just gonna go-" "Stay." 

Tony wouldn't look up, he didn't want Clint to see just how pathetic he was right now, but he needed someone else here. Pepper was busy running his business, Rhodes was busy doing whatever it was he did when he was in New York, and Tony had no one else. 

Clint nodded awkwardly once again, but this one was a bit more of nervous excitement than just nervous. 

"Come on," Tony said softly, turning around to face the hallway that lead to his bedroom, "bring the pillows and stuff, we can build a fort."

Clint nodded, even though Tony couldn't see it. This was going to be the start of either something great or something terrible.


Sorry, it's so short, I didn't really know what to do with this and I started it so long ago that I didn't know how to finish it.


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