Mike vs El

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Okay, first of all, I just wanted to say I have a few Fillie books out, and I want some more love on them. I have noticed that my Mileven and Bratayley books have more views, so I'm gonna continue to keep them on hold until people show them some more love. I have one more Fillie book I'm in the process of writing and then I'm gonna continue to write more Mileven and Bratayley books. 

Okay now onto the plot of this one-shot!

Let's pretend Mike is the slightest bit athletic in this and he plays baseball. El plays softball. Mike and El love to have competitions with each other. Events of Stranger Things have not happened. Enjoy!

"Come on El! You can pitch harder than that!" Mike yelled at his girlfriend as he tossed the ball back to her. "Inside," El grumbled as she stepped back on the mound. She took a deep breath and gripped the ball in her glove and rocked back and thew the pitch. 

El hit Mike's glove without him moving it. "Good pitch!" he yelled and tossed it back to her. "Change," El said while putting the ball in her glove. She took a deep breath and wiped her hand on the side of her shorts. El stepped on the mound and looked Mike in the eyes. She shoved the ball deep into her hand and continued to go into her wind up. 

El released the ball and jerked back as the ball floated to Mike sitting on the bucket a mere forty-three feet from her. "I just swung twice!" Mike yelled as El regained her composure after the pitch. El smiled as she got the ball back from her boyfriend. 

"Drop," El said as she spun the ball on her fingers while standing behind the mound. She looked back up at Mike who was smiling happily at her. She stepped on the mound and found her drop ball grip. She took a breath and began her motion. She rolled the ball over and it spun to Mike on the bucket. 

It came into five feet in front of him and dipped out, making him fall off the bucket. Mike laid on the ground for a second laughing at himself. He was not a catcher. El plopped down next to him with two bottles of water in her hand.

"Here," she said laughing at her boyfriend. Mike smiled and sat up across from her. "Good pitch," he said with a shrug. El smiled again and planted a soft kiss to his lips. Mike cupped her cheek gently and pushed farther into the kiss. El smiled into the kiss and pulled away.

"Come on, let's hit," El whispered, as she cupped his cheek with her right hand. El stood up and grabbed her bat out of her bag. "Help me move the 'L' screen," Mike said as he dropped his bat on the ground. 

So that's what the two did, they moved the screen in front of them and El got the bucket from home plate. "Homerun derby?" she asked with a smile. Mike nodded and grabbed his bat and stood on the right-handers' side of the plate. El tossed one ball up there overhanded. Mike hit it down the third baseline. "One out!" El said happily. She tossed another up and Mike hit it out. "One homer," Mike said happily. 

Next pitch, gap shot 'double'. "Two outs, one homer," El said picking up another baseball. "Come on Mike, we're on a softball field. You should be able to hit it out like it's nothing!" El teased. Mike rolled his eyes and got ready for the next pitch. 

Mike hit the ball a good four hundred feet. "I don't think you'll get the ball back," El said and picked up another. She threw the ball up there and Mike swung and missed. "My turn!" she yelled happily as Mike grabbed the softball bucket.

"Good luck," Mike said as they crossed paths. Mike placed a kiss on her cheek and El smiled. "May the best baller win," she whispered and placed a kiss to his lips. Mike smiled as he broke the kiss. "I love you," he said as El continued her way back to the plate. "I love you too," El said as she grabbed her bat. 

El walked up to the plate and stood on the left-handers' side of the plate. She took a breath and got ready for the pitch to come. Mike tossed it up there underhanded and El took a hack at it. "I don't think you're gonna see that ball again El," Mike said as he picked up another softball. "Was it a pitching ball?" she said with hope. "No, it didn't have seams on it," he said as he picked up another ball. 

El took a visible breath and got ready for Mike's next pitch. Next pitch was a line drive back up the middle and hit the 'L' screen. "You trying to hit me?" Mike said jokingly. El smiled as she shook her head. Mike tossed the next pitch up and she turned away from it so it hit her back. "You trying to hit me?" she said and tossed the ball behind her. 

"One out, one homer," Mike said as he picked up another ball. He tossed it up there and El hit it 202 feet in the 200-foot field. El smiled happily as she got two home runs. "That barely cleared!" Mike yelled. "Still a home run!" she said throwing her arms up in the air. 

"One out, two homers!" El sang happily as she stepped back up to the plate. El knew what was about to come out of it and what was about to happen. Mike threw the next pitch. El gave it a look, wasn't exactly what she wanted. Mike got ready to throw the next pitch. He knew what she was doing, and he had just the way to stop it. 

El was ready for the next pitch at this point. Mike looked at his girlfriend standing at the plate in front of him. He began to toss the pitch up there he released it backhanded, hoping El would fall for it. El was smarter than this. She kept her body back and watched as the pitch dropped waist high and El did what she did best: she absolutely unloaded on that pitch. It landed in the parking lot behind the field as Mike watched in amusement and shock. 

"I win!" El screamed jumping up and down. Mike walked out from behind the 'L' screen sadly. El ran towards him and ran and jumped into his arms. The couple embraced each other in a tight hug as she smiled widely. El pulled her head back slightly to look at her boyfriend. 

"I love you," she whispered and pressed a kiss to his lips. Mike pulled away slightly and looked at her. "I," he said and connected their lips again before pulling away, "love," he said and repeated his actions, "you," he said and connected them again finally. 

El pulled away from his lips and pressed her forehead up against his. "I guess the best baller didn't win," she said and smiled at him. "No, the best baller did win, you're a better ballplayer now than I ever will be," he whispered as he sat her back down. 

Mike grabbed the baseball bucket and El grabbed the softball bucket as they walked to the outfield to get the balls up. El jumped the fence to go fetch the balls on the other side of the fence. She tossed them back over and jumped the fence again to bring them back to the infield to put them up. 

They were about to load everything in Mike's car when El stopped them short. She pressed a kiss to his lips, pushing him into the side of the car door. Mike smiled into the kiss and flipped them so El was pushed up against the car. 

The teens shared a knowing look and rushed to put everything in the back of the car and they were back in the car. Mike kissed El lovingly one more time before putting the car in reverse and pulling out. He put the car back in drive and laid his hand on the inside of her thigh. He gave it a gentle squeeze and smiled as he drove them home. 


I liked this a lot more than I thought I would so I hope yall enjoy!

Bye lovelies,


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