5-7 Year Old Tomura

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Story 1: It was no more than a few weeks after Tomura had his first kills. All for One was reading every book about parenting that could exist, lots of books on "How to deal with Kids that have weird quirks,"but nothing on "Stopping your kid that is lustful for destruction from killing everyone he sees." Or "How to raise a good symbol of fear."

Tomura: "Dad?"

All for One: "Yes Tomura?" He averted his gaze to Tomura, who was covered in blood.

Tomura: "I just killed like 9 people; I counted how many." Tomura looked and sounded so casual when saying it.

All for One: What?! Why?

Tomura: I was playing basketball with a bunch of other kids. My team lost even though the other team was cheating. They got angry when I decayed the ball so I killed the whole other team except for one boy that got away. Aren't you proud of me?

All for One: Tomura, I'm all for personal expression, but this is too much. Alright, I'm setting a kill limit, 4 people per day.

Tomura: Fine...

Story 2: One time, All for One had villain work to do, so he put on SpongeBob for Tomura. Once he returned, Tomura was looking at All for One's phone. (how did he get past the password?)

All for One: Tomura, I'm back. What are you doing?

Tomura: Hi. I'm just reading funny internet comics.

All for One: Oh, really? What are they about?

Tomura: They are comics, all drawn by different people, about a man and his crazy cat.

All for One: Oh really, and what are they called?

Tomura: I'm Sorry Jon.

If you don't get the joke, here is the link. https://www.reddit.com/r/imsorryjon/

Story 3: It was a usual lazy Sunday. All for One had nothing to do and Ujiko wanted to take a break from creating Nomus. All for One was just watching the news, Tomura wanted to show off his new Nana Shimura costume to his dad.

Tomura: All for One! come into my room!

All for One: What is it Tomura?

Tomura: I'm dressing up as my Grandma! I made the whole costume myself! Don't you like it?

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Tomura: I'm dressing up as my Grandma! I made the whole costume myself! Don't you like it?

All for One: I've got a lot of explaining to do, don't I?

Story 5: 

All for One: What are you doing?

Tomura: Just listening to some relaxing music.

All for One: What is the music?

Tomura: Take a listen.

All for One puts the headphones in to hear "Crawling" by Linkin Park.

All for One takes the headphones out.

All for One: You know I'll always trust you Tomura.

Story 5: Tomura was getting used to wearing the hands to bed and doing other everyday things. But he still had trouble sleeping in the hands.

Tomura: (Tugging on his shirt) All for One, I can't get to sleep.

All for One: Oh, would you like me to read a story?

Tomura: That would be nice

They both go to Tomura's room.

All for One: This story is called "The Best Symbol of Fear." I wrote it myself.

Tomura: Go on, read it.

All for One: The best symbol of fear isn't scared of heroes like you.
The best symbol of fear wants All Might to fall like you.
The best symbol of fear uses their quirk in smart ways like you.
The best symbol of fear loves to destroy like you.
The best symbol of fear will be you Tomura, I love you.

All for One kisses Tomura on the cheek. It didn't take long for Tomura to be fast asleep by then. All for One tucked him in, preparing him for yet another day.

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