Lil' Tween Tomura

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Story 1: (This is slightly based off of an r/EntitledParents story so buckle up) Tomura was on a train with a bunch of other people, he promised Kurogiri that he wouldn't kill anyone. About 1/3 into the ride, he saw a teenager with a DS that he really wanted.

Tomura: Kurogiri! get me that DS!

Kurogiri walked up to the teen.

Kurogiri: Can you give my son your DS? You're too old for it anyway.

Teen: Sorry Karen, go be entitled somewhere else.

Kurogiri decides to just sit back down. He didn't want to put up a fight. Tomura, on the other hand, (ba-dum pshh) was angry, he wanted that DS, even if it killed him.

Tomura: Kurogiri, can you open a portal to our house?

He did so, but Tomura was gone before he could ask why. He returned fifteen minutes later, with the hands on. Kurogiri didn't like where this was going. Tomura walked over to the teen.

Tomura: Give. Me. The. DS.

Teen: I, Ummmmm.

Tomura quickly decayed the man. Grabbing the DS from his nonexistent hands and wiping the blood off.

Tomura: Kurogiri! Get me out of here!

Kurogiri warped Tomura to the house and then teleported out of there as quickly as possible. Everyone else on the train was appalled by what they saw. Some kids were definitely scarred for life.

Tomura (still wearing the hands and covered in blood) All for One! I got a new DS!

Story 2:

Tomura: All for One, I've been seeing changes in myself recently.

All for One: Oh, Tomura, I know what this is. Let's have a talk about this stuff privately.

They both go to Tomura's room.

All for One: It's time to talk about sex. 

All for One explains everything.

Tomura: So that's why people are crumbling to ash instead of bloody chunks now?

Story 3: Tomura was starting to get into reading a bit. All for One was happy that he was reading books about famous villains and whatnot.

Tomura: Dad?

All for One: Yes Tomura?

Tomura: I can't find any good books about (random villain) do you have any?

All for One: I'll do you one better.

He invited over (Random Villain) for lunch the next day.

random villain: What is it you wanted All for One?

All for One: My son can't find any good books about you. Can you tell about yourself to him for me. ~Remember, you're still in debt to me~

He explains everything to Tomura personally, making Tomura smile. They then were almost finished eating.

Random villain: These burgers are delicious! What's your secret?

Kurogiri: I put my eucalyptus oils in them.

Everyone else: WHAT?!!

They awkwardly swallow down the burgers anyway.

Tomura: I made cupcakes!

All for One: And I helped!

He presents the cupcakes. They had a weird flavor.

All for One: Mmm, what is that flavor? I don't remember adding that.

Tomura: Well, while you weren't looking, I put some of the blood and ashes of people I killed in the cupcakes! Surprise!

All for One: That's my boy!

Random Villain: He's gotta teach me to be so sly!

Kurogiri: Uh, yum?

Story 4: It was summertime, Tomura was really hot wearing his current clothes and needed a change.

Tomura: Dad, can we go clothes shopping?

All for One: You've got plenty of clothes already. Why do you need more?

Tomura: My closet consists of nothing but black hoodies. I need summer clothes.

All for One: Good point. Okay, let's go shopping.

They both get to the mall.

Tomura: Which store are we going to?

All for One: Hot Topic to start off.

They get to the store.

All for One buys every black t-shirt in the entire mall and every pair of black shorts there is. Once they get home there isn't enough space in Tomura's closet for just one new shirt.

Tomura: ...

All for One: ... 

Tomura: Dammit...

Story 5: 

Tomura: Dad! I got a book made about me! Aren't you proud?

All for One: Of course I am! Get it from the library so we can read it.

He gets the book from the library the next day.

Tomura: Let me read it to you. Ahem, (reading the book) "There is a newer villain popping up in all places in Japan. His name has never been explicitly mentioned during any attacks so most have given him the names 'handyman' and 'The villain brat.'"

Tomura cries like a baby.

All for One: It's okay, I'm sure that your reputation as a villain will get better. I'm sure people will stop seeing you as a little brat.

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