Angsty Teenage Tomura

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Story 1: Tomura was training on how to kill people more effectively but wasn't really getting anywhere.

Tomura: Aren't these hands a little too big? They keep sagging. It's annoying. Like, how do you even keep this one on my face? It's not gripping my face too tight.

All for One: Trust me Tomura, you'll grow into them, like leather.

Tomura: So, you're comparing human skin to a pig's skin. Yeah, real valid.

All for One: Tomura!

Tomura: I'm just saying, the hands are real impractical. They're gonna fall off.

All for One: And for that, now, you have to wear this trench coat during training. It's wayyyyy too big for you right now.

Kurogiri: (shouting in background) Are you sure you don't want some of my essential oils?

All for One and Tomura: Shut up!

Story 2:
All for One: I thought we had a kill limit! 4 people per day!

Tomura: F*** you dad! If I want to kill 7 people a day, I will!

All for One: You're grounded!

He touches Tomura.

Tomura: You took my quirk privileges away again?!

All for One: Until you learn that we have rules in this house, yes for the week.

Story 3:
Tomura: I'm going out.

All for One: Where?

Tomura: Why do you care? Just killing people, like normal.

All for One: Tomura, I know you aren't. If you were, you'd have the hands on.

Tomura: The hands are in the bag, okay? Just leave me alone.

All for One: (Can tell he's lying) Alright, enjoy.

Tomura absolutely loves to play Nintendo Switch. Playing video games with a guy like him has to take place at the shadiest alleys with the bravest people. If you kill him in-game he will most likely kill you in real life. But, there are just the few that can win and survive. Tomura liked them, he hung out with them regularly, bringing the Switch in the bag. 

He gets to the location, All for One tracking behind him. He pulls out the switch and starts to play with his friends. All for One sneaks into the alleyway without anyone noticing.

All for One approaches Tomura, leaving him and his friends in shock.

All for One: What are you doing playing video games... Without me?

Tomura: Dad! I'm playing with my friends! Get the hell out!

All for One: Oh, sorry, do you want me to kill your friends and break the Switch?

Tomura: No! Anything but the switch!

Tomura had to play Smash Bros with his dad as his friends just left.

Tomura: I hate my dad.

Story 4: Tomura was going to go get something to eat after a killing session. He just got done with a killing session and went home to pick up his wallet and take the hands off. He was wearing non-black clothes that day. Which All for One hadn't noticed yet.

All for One: (Knocks on door) Tomura, can I come in?

Tomura: (not thinking) Yeah dad, just taking the hands off. 

All for One walks in the door to see Tomura taking off his last hand.

All for One walks in the door to see Tomura taking off his last hand

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Tomura: Hi dad.

All for One: Why are you wearing white? Where did I go wrong in raising you?

Tomura: Geez dad, it's just once. Oh, also I'm getting some food.

All for One: You are not going out dressed like that! Put on one of your black hoodies.

Tomura: Ugh, dad, it's just one time.

All for One: Black. Hoodie. Now.

Tomura: Ugh, fine. But only because you'd take my quirk away for the week if I didn't.

All for One: That's right.

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