Chapter 3: Christmas

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Chapter 3: Christmas

Beep Beep Beep! "What tha!" I can't believe I forgot to pick some music for my alarm, I just got that to wake up to. I hurried and rushed to the bathroom to get my shower and blow dry my hair before we opened presents. I put on a new pair of PJ's and ran to get Liam up.

"Lee-Lee!" I said while knocking on the door.

"Come in!" I heard him say. "Wow! I can't believe your up and ready at this hour."

"I think its all the sleep form yesterday."

"Yeah well I'm ready too." he said.

"Let's go I think everyone is getting up by now." I said.

We walked down the stairs past the kitchen where my Grandmother was making some breakfast then we all gathered around the tree and opened presents. I got a pink new phone case and a One Direction scarf and some new shoes and clothes, the usual. But there was one last gift, it was from Liam.

"You can't open it until tomorrow." I heard him say.

"Why not?" I asked really wanting to know.

"Because it's a clue."

"A clue to what?"

"Your guests that will be here soon." he said smiling. "And I will be hiding it so you can't find it."

"Ugh! Fine you win!" I said giving up on him.

"Oh and I got your friend Alex a little something cause I know she's a fan." he said while pulling out a gift I didn't notice.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's just something from me and the guys. Just don't open it."

After opening the gifts, we went and ate our homemade breakfast; Bacon, waffles, and eggs. Then Liam and I went out for a walk around the town.

"It's freezing!" I said whilst shivering.

"I guess miss sun and shortsleeves can't take a little bit of cold." he said. I punched him in the arm.

"It's not my fault we don't get cold in California."

"So when are you moving here?" he asked.

"Soon, hopefully no more than five months." I answered.

"Why don't you just move now and be home schooled?"

"Because I don't want to be home schooled and I will miss my friends."


We walked back right in time for lunch-supper. I didn't even know we were out that long. We had amazing, warm food. It was so nice to eat something hot because of the cold weather outside. When we were done we watched some Christmas movies, then we went to bed.

"Hey Lee-Lee, do you want to sleep in my room tonight?"

"Sure!" he said.

After three hours of him talking about his fun tour moments he fell asleep on the floor.

I can't wait today is the day I get to find out who the guests are. I still wonder who it is, yet I kinda know. I contemplated for another thirty minutes, then I fell asleep.

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