Chapter 9: Concert Day

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 I survived at school the whole day. I got home and did homework while I waited for it to be time to leave. My phone started ringing.

"Hey" the text said, it was from Zayn.

"Hi" I sent back.

"Are you coming to the concert tonight?"

"Of course! I couldn't miss a chance of seeing you and the others!"

"Do you want to stay with us on the bus, if your going to the concert tomorrow?"

"Sure, sounds like fun!"

"Kay, see you in a bit!"

I packed my stuff and got in my car and went to Alex's house.

"Hey" she said after answering the door.

"Hi, are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"Yeah I think so. Why?"

"Okay well the guys want me to stay on the bus tonight, so we can just use your car and I'll just go with the boys. I really was hoping you could go."

"Yeah, but I'm going tonight!"

"Okay, lets go!" I said. We walked to her car in our One Direction shirts and scarfs.

     We drove thirty minutes to the arena. When we got there we got to walk right in. We were two hours early and there were already a ton of people there.

"Hey" Zayn said. Of course he was the first person to talk to us.

"Hey little cousin. Hey little cousin's friend." Liam said.

"Hi! Louis and Harry are getting ready so you can see them in a bit." Niall said.

"I've never been to a One Direction concert. This is exciting!" I said.

"Liam doesn't want you to see him sing?" Niall asked.

"She's seen me sing before." Liam said looking at Niall with an obvious face.

"Bellsey!" Harry yelled while hugging me.

"Hi Harry!" I said getting creeped out.

"Hey girly." Louis said walking out from where they were getting ready.

"Where's your stuff?" Zayn asked.

"Why does she need stuff?" Liam asked.

"Cause she's staying in the bus with us overnight, so she can go to the concert tomorrow." he answered.

"You could have told us your girlfriend was staying tonight." Harry said.

"My stuff is in the car. Alex you wanna come with me?" I asked.

"Sure" she answered.

     We walked outside and the crowd had gotten bigger. Hundreds of screaming fans. We got the stuff and went back inside. They started letting people in. We got backstage and the guys were all ready to go on.

"Where are we sitting?" Alex asked.

"Back here, you don't have to sit up there." Louis said.

"The best for my favorite cousin." Liam said.

"Oh yay! Your favorite cousin get to look at your guys bums!"

"There were no more seats in the front left." Niall said.

"Time to go! Bye" Liam said as he left.

Zayn came over and kissed my head."Bye!"

"Oh my God! Zayn just kissed your head!" Alex yelled.

"I know right. Let's go watch." I said.

After an hour they were done. They signed Alex's shirt and then she left.

         "You can go put your stuff in the bus." Liam told me.

"Or you could stay and wait for your boyfriend to come back." Harry said.

"He's not my boyfriend." I told him.

"But you want him to be!" Louis said.

"We saw him kiss your head before he went on stage." Niall said.

"Where is Zayn?" I asked.

"Um he's somewhere." Louis answered.

"Where is somewhere?" I asked.

"Somewhere is somplace you can't know." Harry said.

"Or is sowhere someplace you don't know." I asked. "I'm going to go to the bus."

"Okay we will be there in a bit." Liam said.

        I went on the bus and set my stuff down on the couch and I sat next to it.

At some point before they came back I fell asleep.

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