Chapter 9- Broken horn

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Blake then remembered her horn in the battle. She had a feeling it was going to be bad but just to make sure she took out her horns. With her left horn was fine with just a bit of crack the length as long as for the right when almost all of it was cut off. The dramatic difference in the lengths of both of them Blake felt a swelling feeling in her chest that just made her want to have a meekly cry. But she clenched her hand as distracting her from the pain in her hand.

   Zinc realizing it was quiet in the bathroom he couldn't help but notice 55 was in there for a couple continues he grew worried and couldn't help but knocked on the door. "55 are you okay? You've been in the bathroom for quite a while now." Carefully not wanting to rush her.

   '55 how did he know?' Blake questioned in her head but then she remembered she told him to call her that. She couldn't risk her true identity.

   "Yeah, I'm fine," Blake said.

    Blake walked to the bathroom door and opened it. Her hair was still dripping but what caught Zinc's attention was her right horn. Another one of Blake's injuries that Zinc wanted to question.

   Blake noticed his staring and shifted back into a human before he can blink.

   "It's rude to stare you know," Blake said crossing her arms glaring harshly at him.

   "R-right sorry I'm-what happened to you? These injuries that you have all over your body and now your horn too. It's ridiculous." Zinc said in disbelief and a bit angry. He couldn't imagine who could do this to 55.

    "I'm not in the mood to talk about it," Blake said already walking away.

   "Where are you going?" Zinc asked a bit confused. It seemed like there was something next 55 had to do that it seemed hard for him to read her. She was so unpredictable.

   "I'm leaving it's not like you can take care of me forever," Blake said as though it was obvious. She already knew Papa was trying to find her and she needed to stay safe. But she was a bit more healed now.

   His eyes widen he didn't want her to leave. Female demons were uncommon but was more on the fact how he didn't feel alone anymore. He loved having company even if she didn't like him.

   "Wait! What if the people or demons that hurt you find you again? You're not safe. You can stick with me until you feel better it was just yesterday you were hurt. Are you sure that's a smart idea?" He said as less than a question and more of a comment.

   Blake stopped. He was right but she also didn't want to stay. However, it would be a good idea to get information out of him. "Your right," she said turning. "You don't mind do you?"

   "No, I don't plus I enjoy the company," Zinc said smiling glad and relieved she decided to stay.

   The smile threw Blake off as she did a double-take. It scared her because not too long ago she smiled just like that at people. Even though it looked as though she was dumb she recognized that smile all too well, he was lonely and so was she. She could tell it wasn't fake. 

   "Can we watch tv?" Blake said wanting to distract her mind.

    "Of course follow me." Zinc lead her to the living room.

    While they were watching tv for a while and drinking water Blake looked at Zinc. It's crazy how he looked in his twenty. And his black-grayish hair seemed everywhere and he was in his human form. She could tell he was toned as she realized something.

   Feeling the stare he looked up at her as she glared at him a bit. "What is it 55?"

  "I just realized you never told me exactly why you saved me. You're a demon." Blake began to question him again.

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