Chapter 15-Alone

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   Blake sighed tiredly as she still inpected herself in the mirror of the bathroom. She saw the cut from the chainsaw behind her neck that cut her skin a bit but as she inspected her right arm from the battle with dark it was banaged. She took off the banaged and saw how deep the cut was as it was still healing. It was almost closed but balke got a new banaged and wrapped her arm by herself. She knew she killed Dark but she couldn't beleive she ate him. She remeebered that part as Balek eyes wided in fear as she bent down.

"I'm more of a monster than I thought." Said Blake covering her mouth and began to cry she held on the skin with her left hand. "Why? What happened to me? What do I do now." After crying out her eyes out Balke realized she barely cried at all ever since she got turned into a demon her life switched and there was nothing she could do about it but become a better demon.

Blake walked into the living room as she knew she had to go into the demon world and talk with Eths older sister. However even as Blake knew she didn't know if she could handle it. What about her friends and family that were here? Obviously her parents weren't going to let her go. But she had to go and make sure they knew she was well. It was all to much for Blake and he sat down in the couch.

Here she was again at Zinc's house that even though she seemed bothered that Zinc was protecting her she was also grateful that he managed to rescue her and bring her back to life. 'Zinc' she thought. She wondered the type of demon he was. Were demons even supposed to help other demons? They are fallen angels. Blake sat up as she knew she had to go before Zinc came back to wherever he went.

She didn't have anything of value and decided to head to the door. But she stoped and realized people would question her about her demon eyes she didn't know a way to fix it so she went to the bathroom again and tried to change her demon eye back into a human but there was no change. Blake went into the first aid kit and found a cotton eye patch as she put it over her demon eye.

While walking out she saw Zinc as he was carrying a black bag with him and he turned as he smelled Balke.

"Blake why do you have a eyepatch on. Are you okay? Last I inspected your eye wasn't damaged." Zinc said he put the bag down as he walked up to Blake he was about to put his hands on her shoulders when she took a step back.

"I need to hide my demon eye is all. Now this time I must go." Blake said seriously her face determined.

Zinc sighed. He didn't really like her stubborn attiuide but at the same time he admired it. He wanted to tell her to not leave but he didn't want to make it in a way for her to be disgusted by him. "55 there is something I need to tell you."

"Alright what is it?" blake said crossing her arms.

"You see 55 I really do care about you alot. In fact so much I want you to be my mate." Zinc went down on his knee and held her right hand as Blake was a bit surprised again but remained stoic. "I promise to always protect and care for you. Eversince I saved you I just haven't been able to get you out of my mind. Because I love you, and I hope you'll accept -"

Blake got her hand out. "My mate? You don't even know me." Said Blake getting pissed off. He didn't even know her name and he was spouting out nonsense. She didn't have time for this.

"But I want to know more about you if you'll just give me a chance" Zinc said starting to fell heart broken but he wouldn't give up. He stood up and looked into Blake's eyes. "Please I want to more about you. I have never felt like this about anyone. You are the one meant for me. I can feel it."

Blake was quiet as she wanted to slap him but she restrainted herself. He didn't deserve that and even though she owned him her life she couldn't bare that. "I will never be your mate because you don't know who I am." Blake looked up at him screaming. "I don't even know who I am! Ever since Papa's men did this to me. I haven't been the same." Blake said letting out some steam.

"Papa what are you talking about?" Zinc said and thought about it. "Wait they were the ones that hurt you didn't they? They were the ones who beat you half dead. How did you escape? Please tell me?" said Zinc getting worried and anxious.

Blake wanted to get mad but something inside her wanted to tell someone even him everything about what happened to her. But she was scared. She didn't know if she could trust him. Shoot maybe this was all an act and she was a prisoner in here. She wided her eyes thinking of that possiblity. He never really did allow her to go and each time she did he would be right there.

"55 are you okay?" Zinc said looking at Blake star stucked.

Blake couldn't show that she figured it out. She had to leave while he didn't know. "Actually." said Blake weakly. "I'm starting to get sleepy again. I'll go sleep on the bed." Said Blake walking away.

"Wait. Are you sure? What about going out?" Zinc said confused but had his guard up.

"I change my mind." Said Blake wealkly as she went into the room and closed the door and locked it. Blake didn't waste time and she opened the window as she jumped out. She flew high and was going to the direction of her house.

Zinc smelled Blakes scent get far away as he forced the door open and flew up as he saw her flying as fast as she could. Zinc couldn't help but fly after her as Blake smelled Zinc behind her. Blake didn't slow down as she continued to fly but the other way.

"What do you want from me?!" Blake said more of a time for him to back off.

"I want you! Don't leave me. Your my mate." Said Zinc yelling for Blake to hear.

Blake couldn't take this anymore and she stopped as she turned away as he stopped and there were flying in midair not moving from there spot.

"Zinc your obessed with me." Blake said her eyes hard and not playing around.

"No, I'm not. I just can't lose you again. These feelings only you bring them out of me. I can't lose that?' Said Zinc his eyes looking at her crazy looking. "I have been so alone for so long. I got kicked out of the underworld for being weak, and mindless. I tried to fit in but no one would talk to me..that is until I came here and met you. I don't care if your using me. I just need you to need me. What's so hard to understand?" Zinc said crying out loud to her frustrated.

  "Tabe." said Blake as her weapon came out she flew to him and swung her sword down getting his right arm chopped off. Zinc yelled in pain as he saw his arm fall and Balke grabbed it and looked at him. She saw how his arm was gushing out blood as Zinc felt weak as he was growing pal he was falling fast as he landed at the gound on his back and looked up at Blake who made her weapon disappear back. But she still held his chopped arm. He was crying green tears as he couldn't beleive the person he saved did that to him. He thought changing his ways would help. But he was wrong. He was still screaming in pain but looking at Blaks eyes was nothing for him.. no symphony but hate as she had no life in her eyes.

"Don't you ever follow me again." she said hissing at him treating him. "Your lucky I allowed you to live, but only because you saved my life." Said Blake as she wasted no time and flew towards her parents house.

"55 how dare you!" Zinc said crying out in pain.

"Did you say 55?" Zinc heard a voice behind him. He turned as he was still clutching in pain and there was Papa.

Papa enchanced a spell as Zinc stopped bleeding out but he was still in pain.

"Who are you?" Zinc said in disbeleive.

"Why I'm Papa and I heard you said 55. I beleive a hybrid of a demon and human."

"Y..yes that is her." be said clenching his teeth and trying not to scream.

Papa grinned. "How would you like to help me capture 55 once and for all. I heard your conversation and I belive I can help you with your goal."

   Zinc grinned. "I would help you...Papa, " he said inbetween pain.

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