Chapter 52-The itch

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Sartha was the first to wake up.

He saw Helwn and Blake peacefully sleeping as he was bored and hungry. Unlike them he couldn't eat human food and wondered how Blake wasn't more hungry then she currently was. But the fruits and nuts seemed to really fill her up.

Sartha knew that in his state he couldn't eat human souls so he knew he would have to go to the underworld and eat some rats or fish even if that was the lowest class of all.

Sartha slittered down and right as he opened the portal he remembered what Blake told him. He could go anywhere he wanted but to tell Blake where he was going. He didn't want to tell her as he couldn't write so the only option would be having to wake her up. However he didn't like the feeling of being tied down like that. And plus Blake would probably stop him from going. So he went in even knowing there was a chance Blake might throw a 500 page book at him.

Blake woke up as the first thing she did was carefully remove the sheets as her stomach was growling for food. She looked on the table with the bags with fruit and started to munch on an apple as Blake something didn't feel right. She looked at the bed and saw her mother sleeping peacefully then the bed frame to see that Sartha as gone.

Blake sighed. "That snake. Where has he gone to now?" Blake said but surprisingly she wasn't mad at him. After all he was a free snake and it was his choice to stay with her and was also the same if he wanted to leave. But Blake still hated the fact he could've at least told her.

Blake turned on the tv which caused Helen to wake up as she didn't see her daughter next to her and sat up. She was about to say her daughters name as she heard the sound of chewing and saw Blake. Her hair was messy but she didn't have her eye patch on. Reminding Helen of her daughters state. But no Sartha in sight.

"Goodmorning Blake. Where's Sartha?" Helen asked tiredly.

"Morning mom. Sartha left but he should be back."

"Where did he go?"

"I'm not sure but my guess is the underworld or with Burn."

"Oh, I see. But he didn't tell you?" Helen said as that seemed a bit weird.

"It's not like this is the first time he's done it. Anyways I know today's is Saturday. And I don't know if you have your day off today.

"No sweetie my days off are on tuesdays. That was the only day I could get off. Sorry."

"It's fine." Blake said having a stoic face throughout the entire conversation.

"By the way before I go to work I feel the need to discuss your future."

"My future?" Said Blake like she was speaking a foreign language.

"I know that you are going to get a job to help me. But what about your schooling? Your career?"

Blake had to think about this. She didn't know what she wanted nor what she wanted to become anymore. Before she was a hybrid it seemed she was getting a decent grades in class and maybe hoping she would go to the nearest university to stay with her mother but now it seemed all of that was different. Blake didn't know where she even stood right now. All she knew is that she wanted to live as a human and stay with her mother a bit. Even if it might not seem that different Blake was lost.

"I don't know what I want." Blake said confessing.

"You said you wanted to go to a university near by. So try to look for one near by. I know you have aged a bit more but we can find a high school for you to go to."

"Wait first we can't even afford university, and second I don't even know if I'm even qualify to be in high school. Not after I was taken away. "

Helen put a hand on her daughters head. "I know what I'm asking is a lot but I just want you to be okay for if one day I wasn't here anymore."

Blake didn't know why but she grew angry at that comment and slapped her mother's hand away. "Don't say things like that. Your going to live a long life." said Blake seriously.

Helen was surprised perhaps she overdid it a bit as she stood up and got ready for work.

   Blake returned to eating her apple then eating grapes not looking at her mother the entire time.

   As soon as Helen was done with her signature receptionist look she hugged her daughter and kissed her on the head. "Bye sweetie. I'll come home at 7pm today. And if your going somewhere please tell me."

    Blake nodded her head but then realized she didn't have a phone. And it wasn't like her mother had a multi mirror. She thought about giving her one but knew it wouldn't be a good idea. "I don't have a phone."

  Helen looked uneasy at that. "Oh right well don't worry I will buy you a new phone once I come back."

    "Alright then." Blake said not going to complain over that. She didn't care either way.

     Blake continued as all of a sudden her demon eye started to itch and she itched it. Then it stopped. Then it came again as she couldn't help but itch it again as it started to become slightly unbearable.

   "What the heck is there something in my eye?" Blake decided to go to the bathroom as she say her demon eye was sarting to have a red undertone as the itch came again and Blake put her head down itching it. "What the hell is going on?!" She said frustrated. It seemed her eye was starting to get it irritated as she she felt like banging her head and the itch disappeared.

    "What the hell was that?" Blake then heard a sound from the living room as she looked out the bathroom and saw Sartha came back.

   "Sartha your back." Blake said as she walked into the bedroom.

    Sartha made sure to quickly look at Blake and made sure to go behind the bed stand just in case. But then he looked at Blake's eye and could see the red starting to form as Blake kept on rubbing on it so often.

   "I'm not going to throw a book at you so just come out." Blake said in a bored tone realizing he was just waiting for her to throw a book at him.

   "Blake your demon eye. Do you feel alright?" He said coming out.

    " it keeps on bugging me. But I bet it's fine." Blake said.

   Sartha didn't look convinced as he slithered up to Blake and Blake carried him as he was around her shoulders looking at her eye.

    "Can you not look at my eye." Blake said as she covered it.

   Sartha hissed lightly. "Blake we need to check up on your eye."

   "And go to who exactly."

   Sartha thought long and deep as he sighed. "Perhaps Burn knows what to do. Even if I don't want to take you to her but she is the only one who can help us at the moment."

     Blake scoffed. "What a pain." All of a sudden Blake transformed and pulled up a portal to Burn's shop. "Let's get this over with." And with that she itches her eye again and they both went through the portal.

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